Black Montgomerians succeeded in their boycott. As their case moved through the federal courts, finally reaching the Supreme Court, the verdict announced two years previously in the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 found application to the Montgomery bus system. “Separate but equal” was dead; therefore, segregation on the city buses was unconstitutional, and on December 21, 1956, blacks in Montgomery returned to the buses. Shortly before the end of the boycott, the following public statement was circulated to the entire black community, urging calm, dignity, and restraint as the era of the integration of buses began. Black residents, by all accounts, followed these injunctions, but whites in Montgomery attacked black bus riders, bombed black homes, and harassed black passengers in numerous other ways. The era of “separate but equal” may have been over in Montgomery’s buses, but the era of “massive resistance” had begun.
Integrated Bus Suggestions
This is a historic week because segregation on buses has now been declared unconstitutional. Within a few days the Supreme Court Mandate will reach Montgomery and you will be re-boarding integrated buses. This places upon us all a tremendous responsibility of maintaining, in face of what could be some unpleasantness, a calm and loving dignity befitting good citizens and members of our Race. If there is violence in word or deed it must not be our people who commit it.
For your help and convenience the following suggestions are made. Will you read, study and memorize them so that our non-violent determination may not be endangered. First, some general suggestions:
Now for some specific suggestions:
The Rev. M. L. King, Jr., President
The Rev. W. J. Powell, Secretary
Source: Inez Jessie Baskin Papers. Used by permission of the Alabama Department of Archives and History.
Evaluating the Evidence