Two Photographs of Primero, Colorado

The first photograph was taken between 1901 and 1903, as the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company was completing its new company town outside its mines at Primero. The second photograph was taken after the Primero mine explosion of January 31, 1910.

General View, Primero, Colorado [1901–1930]

This photo provides a view of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company coal camp, in Primero, Las Animas County, Colorado. Miners’ houses and a church are visible.

“Primero General View,” [1901-1930]
“Primero General View” [1901–1930], negative CHS X5007, History Colorado, Denver.

Coal Mining, Primero, Colorado, 1910

This photo shows the aftermath of the mine explosion at Primero, Colorado, which occurred on January 31, 1910, at 4:30 p.m. Spectators, destroyed buildings and equipment, and an undamaged mine building are visible.

Coal Mining, Primero Colo., 1910
“Coal Mining, Primero Colo.,” 1910, negative X-63177, Denver Public Library.


  1. Question

    What do these photographs suggest about the natural environment in and around southern Colorado’s coal-mining communities?

  2. Question

    What visual clues do these images contain regarding community life and corporate power at Primero?

  3. Question

    What does the image of the scene outside the mine mouth following the explosion tell you about how townspeople and the mining company responded to this and other mine disasters?

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