
Figure 14.15 Poster Conveying a Theme. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation/Ad Council

The theme of an image is not the same as its plot. When you identify the plot, you identify the story that is told by the image. When you identify the theme, you explain what the image is about. An ad for a diamond ring may tell the story of a man surprising his wife with a ring on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, but the advertisement’s theme could be sex, romance, commitment, or another concept. Similarly, the theme of a soft-drink ad might be competition, community, compassion, or individualism.

Through close reading, you can unearth details to support your interpretation of the theme and convince others of its merit. For example, the image in Figure 14.15, appears to illustrate a recipe for a tasty margarita. However, the list of ingredients suggests a tale of too many drinks and a drunk-driving accident after running a red light. Instead of promoting an alcoholic beverage or promising relaxing fun, this public-service announcement challenges the assumption that risky behavior won’t carry consequences. Its text reminds viewers of its theme: well-being comes not from alcohol-fueled confidence but from responsible choices.


Interpreting the Meaning of an Image

  • What general feeling do you get from looking at the image? What mood does it create? How does it do so?
  • What sociological, political, economic, or cultural attitudes are reflected?
  • What language is included in the image? How does the language function?
  • What signs and symbols can you identify? What role do these play?
  • What theme or themes can you identify in the image?