See another reading response on both literal and analytical levels.
Olof Eriksson’s instructor asked students to write a one-page reading response, including a summary and a personal response, before writing each assigned essay. Your instructor may also ask you to keep a reading journal or to submit or post online your responses to readings. Your assignment might require brief features such as these:
see E1–E2 in the Quick Research Guide for more on citing sources.
Olof Eriksson Student Summary and Response
The Problems with Masculinity
See Jensen’s essay.
Robert Jensen writes in his essay “The High Cost of Manliness” about masculinity and how our culture creates expectations of certain traits from the males in our society. He strongly opposes this view of masculinity and would prefer that sociological constructs like masculinity and femininity were abolished. As examples of expected traits, he mentions strength and competition. Males are supposed to take what they want and avoid showing weaknesses. Then Jensen points out negative consequences of enforcing masculinity, things like rape and men having trouble showing vulnerability. He counters the argument of differences in biology between males and females by pointing out that we do not know how much comes from biology and how much comes from culture, but that both certainly matter and we should do what we can. He is also concerned about giving positive attributes to masculinity, as that effectively tells us they only belong with males. He ends by observing that we are facing challenges now that cannot be met with the current view of masculinity.
I agree with what Jensen says, and I find it a problem today that the definition of masculinity is so closely connected to competition and aggression. Even so, I find that my own definition of masculinity is very close to the general one. I would say it is to be strong and determined, always winning. I’m sure most people have a similar idea of what it is, even as most people would disagree logically. That is why we need to make an effort to change our culture, just as Jensen argues. If we can either abolish masculinity and femininity or simply change them into a lot more neutral and closely related terms, then we will be a lot closer to real equality between the genders. This change will not only help remove most of the negative impacts Jensen brought up but also help pave a better way for future generations, reducing their problems.
Works Cited
Jensen, Robert. “The High Cost of Manliness.” The Bedford Guide for College Writers. 10th ed. Ed. X. J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Marcia F. Muth. Boston: Bedford, 2014. 534–38. Print.
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