The Assignment: Writing from Sources

Find a topic that intrigues you, and develop a focused research question about it. After conducting whatever research is necessary, synthesize the information you assemble to develop your own reasonable answer to the research question. Then write a paper, persuasively using a variety of source material to convey your conclusions.

See advice on scheduling your research project.

Because your final paper answers your research question, you are writing for a reason, not just stacking up facts. Reading and digesting the ideas of others is just the first step. You’ll also analyze, evaluate, and synthesize, thinking critically to achieve your purpose. Answering your question will probably require you to return to writing situations you addressed earlier — perhaps comparing, taking a stand, evaluating, or supporting a position. You also may turn to field methods such as observing or interviewing.

See Additional Writing Assignments.

Aim to persuade your audience to consider, respect, accept, or act on the answer to your question. If possible, use this project to benefit your college, employer, local community, or campus cause. Having a real audience will help you select what to include or exclude as you write your paper.