Individual Author Not Named in Sentence
Finding lying without other pathologies is unlikely (Healy, 2008, p. 11).
Individual Author Named in Sentence
As Healy (2008) notes, other pathologies typically accompany lying (p. 11).
Two Authors
List the last names of coauthors in the order in which they appear in the source. Join the names with “and” if you mention them in your text and with an ampersand (&) if the citation is in parentheses.
Legal professionals may fear that psychologists’ testimony will unfairly influence juries (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2009, p. 18).
In Forensic Psychology, Fulero and Wrightsman (2009) note that attorneys remain wary of influential testimony by psychologists (p. 18).
Three Authors or More
For three to five authors, include all the last names in your first reference. In any later references, follow only the first author with “et al.” (for “and others”) in the text or in parentheses. For six authors or more, simply follow the first author with “et al.” for all citations.
Learning disabilities occur with each other, with emotional or attention disorders, or with social deficits (Fletcher, Lyon, Fuchs, & Barnes, 2006, p. 9). Thus Fletcher et al. characterize this likelihood as “co-morbidity” (p. 9).
Organization Author
Nutrition is critical for cancer patients who may have specific dietary needs (American Cancer Society, 2003, p. 7).
Author of an Essay from a Reader or Collection
Cite the essay author; list the collection editor later with your references.
Studies have yet to investigate why campus fraternity houses are more likely venues for rape than other college gathering places (Martin & Hummer, 2003).
Unidentified Author
Identify the source with its title in your text or the first few words in parentheses so it is easy to locate in your alphabetical list of references.
Parents need to monitor their child’s online activities (“Social Networking,” 2012).
Same Author with Multiple Works
Three significant trends in parent-school relations evolved (Grimley, 2007) after the original multistate study (Grimley, 1987).
Different Authors with Multiple Works
Within a single citation, list the authors of multiple works in alphabetical order (as in your reference list). Separate the works with semicolons.
Several studies examined attributes of smokers and cessation programs (Kottke et al., 1988; Osler & Prescott, 1998; Perz, DiClemente, & Carbonari, 1996).