Instructor's Notes
To download handouts of the Learning by Doing activities and checklists that appear in this unit, and to access lecture slides, teaching tips, and Instructor’s Manual materials, go to the “Instructor Resources” folder at the end of this unit.
Writing in the Workplace
Most of the world’s workplace communication takes place in writing. Although a conversation or voice mail may be forgotten or ignored, a written message provides a permanent record of a business exchange, often calling for action. This chapter first outlines some general guidelines for workplace writing and then shows you types likely to prove useful.
In a College Course
You write job applications, memos, and letters in your business communications course.
You prepare a compelling application—letter, résumé, and memo of understanding about your goals—for the summer internship program.
In the Workplace
You personalize letters and e-mails to clients every day, providing company services.
In Your Community
You write a letter of support for a grant proposal to open a high school health clinic.
When have you already prepared workplace writing? In what situations might you do so in the future?