Reflecting as a Writer

For more about portfolios, see Ch. 24.

Erin’s assignment asked her to reflect on her experience as she wrote about its significance for her. Her instructor also required a reflective letter, following the time-honored advice of writer and teacher Peter Elbow. Here Erin needed to consider her goals, strengths, remaining challenges, and responses to readers during her writing process. The letter and the essay would become part of her writer’s portfolio due at the end of the term.

Learning by Doing Writing a Reflective Letter

Learning by Doingimage Writing a Reflective Letter

Select one of the following options, and write a reflective letter to your instructor.

  1. Reflect on your responses to Erin’s writing strategies and processes. For example, you might consider how her processes do and do not relate to yours or what you have learned from her that you might like to apply to your writing.

  2. Reflect on your own first essay, as Erin did. Consider your goals, strengths, remaining challenges, and responses to readers.

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Reflective Portfolio Letter

For sample business letter formats, see Ch. 17 and section E in the Quick Format Guide.

image What do you want to say in a reflective letter?

Campus Box A-456

September 19, 2016

Dr. Susanna Hoeness-Krupsaw

English Department

State University

1234 University Road

Campustown, OH 23456

Dear Dr. Hoeness-Krupsaw:

The main goal of my essay was to describe accurately and vividly the significant experience of reading to a blind, elderly man during my last two years of high school. When writing the essay I was attempting to give the reader insight to the details and scenery I experienced while visiting this man. By accurately describing the scene of most significance in great detail, I hoped to convey and emphasize that significance to the reader.

The strengths I had in writing this essay were in detailing and flow. I believe my descriptions accurately put images in the mind of the reader. I began my writing process by planning with a diagram. After creating this diagram, the essay easily formed in my mind and on paper. However, if I could revise the essay further, I would focus more on word choice and strength. I would also revise and strengthen my reflections as well as my concluding paragraph. When writing, I had some difficulty in putting into words exactly what my experience made me think and feel.

The feedback I received regarding my essay was mostly positive. However, almost all feedback suggested adding more reflection at the end of my final draft. I believe this strengthened my essay overall. I would like to get a response from the reader asserting that my essay vividly conveyed images and that the importance of this event is easily understood.

I may be contacted regarding this essay at or 555-5555.


Erin E. Schmitt
