Finding Sources in the Field

The goal of field research is the same as that of library and Internet research–to gather the information you need to answer your research question and then to marshal persuasive evidence to support your conclusions. When you interview, observe, or ask questions of people, you generate your own firsthand (or primary) evidence. Before you begin, find out from your instructor whether you need institutional approval for research involving other people (“human subjects approval”) from your school’s institutional review board (IRB).

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For more on interviewing, see Ch. 6.


Interviews–conversations with a purpose–may be your main source of field material. Whenever possible, interview an expert in the field or, if you are researching a group, someone representative or typical. Prepare carefully.


If you can’t talk in person, try a telephone or online interview. Make an appointment for a convenient time, write out questions before you call, and take notes. Federal regulations, by the way, forbid recording a phone interview without notifying the person talking that you are doing so. Always be sure to notify your subject if you are recording them on Skype or another video chat service, too.

Learning by Doing Interviewing an Instructor

Learning by Doingimage Interviewing an Instructor

Interview one of your instructors about his or her current research or field of study. Ask what the particular field requires by way of study or success. Ask if he or she would share tips for students who want to go into that field. Reflect on what it takes for an instructor to be successful and how you might apply this information to your own studies.


For more on observing, see Ch. 5.

An observation may provide you with essential information about a setting such as a workplace or a school. Some organizations will insist on your displaying valid identification; in advance, ask your instructor for a statement written on college letterhead declaring that you are a student doing field research. Make an appointment with the organization or individual and, on arrival, identify yourself and your purpose. Before you depart, be sure to thank the necessary parties for arranging the observation.

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Using Questionnaires

Questionnaires, or surveys, gather the responses of a number of people to a fixed set of questions. Online services such as SurveyMonkey allow you to quickly develop and deploy questionnaires for free. Professional researchers carefully design sets of questions and then randomly select representative people to respond in order to reach reliable answers. Because your survey will not be that extensive, avoid generalizing about your findings. It’s one thing to say that “many students” who filled out a questionnaire hadn’t read a newspaper in the past month; it’s another to claim that this is true of 72 percent of the students at your school–especially when your questionnaires went only to students in a specific major, and only half of them responded to the e-mail invitation.

A more reliable way to treat questionnaires is as group interviews: assume that you collect typical views, use them to build your overall knowledge, and cull responses for compelling details or quotations. Use a questionnaire to concentrate on what a group thinks as a whole or when an interview to cover all your questions is impractical. (See Figure 31.7 for a sample questionnaire.)



For advice on writing e-mail messages, see E-mail in Ch. 17. For advice on writing business letters, see Business Letters in Ch. 17.

Does your interview subject live too far away for you to speak to him or her in person? Search online for contact information. If you can’t easily locate an e-mail address or phone number, try to locate the individual on social media to introduce yourself, specify your query, and request further information. Do you need information from a group, such as the American Red Cross, or an elected official? The organization’s Web site should provide an e-mail address for your request, a physical mailing address, an FAQ page (that answers frequently asked questions), or files of brochures.


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Figure 31.7: Figure 31.7 Questionnaire asking students about dining preferences.
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Attending Public and Online Events

College organizations bring interesting speakers to campus. Check your campus Facebook page, newspaper, and bulletin boards. In addition, professionals and special-interest groups convene for regional or national conferences. A lecture or conference can be a source of fresh ideas and an excellent introduction to the language of a discipline.


If you join an online discussion, you can observe, ask a question, or save or print the transcript for your records.

Reconsidering Your Field Sources

Each type of field research can raise particular questions. For example, when you observe an event or a setting, are people aware of being observed? If so, have they changed their behavior? Is your random sampling of people truly representative? Have you questioned everyone in a group thoroughly enough?

In addition, consider the credibility and consistency of your field sources. Did your source seem biased or prejudiced? If so, will you need to discount some of the source’s information? Did your source provide evidence to support or corroborate claims? Have you compared different people’s opinions, accounts, or evidence? Is any evidence hearsay–one person telling you the thoughts of another or recounting actions that he or she hasn’t witnessed? If so, can you check the information with another source or a different type of evidence? Did your source seem to respond consistently, seriously, and honestly? Has time possibly distorted memories of past events? Adjust your conclusions based on your field research in accord with your answers to such questions.