Source Navigator: Article in a Scholarly Journal from a Database

Rebuild per 10e LP Ch. 31. Make numbers on source clickable so that they pop up the corresponding piece of citation information. Delete the numbered pieces of citation info that appear above the source image. Delete “Record this information in your notes about each source:” Place the following text above the source image: “Roll over the pink numbers below to discover the types of information you’ll need to record in your notes about each source. Then, scroll below to see sample citations in both MLA and APA styles.”

Source Navigator

Article in a Scholarly Journal from a Database

Roll over the pink numbers below to discover the types of information you’ll need to record in your notes about each source. Then, scroll below to see sample citations in both MLA and APA styles.


Page 655

Create a source entry out of the information you collect:


Source entry in MLA style, e-mailed from database and recorded in a computer file
Source note with a paraphrase of one paragraph in the article Some researchers are skeptical about whether we can develop a scientific understanding of the relationship between music and human emotions, which is still largely regarded as a mystery.


Source entry in APA style, e-mailed from database and recorded in a computer file
Source note with a summary of the article’s conclusion and recommendations In order to properly assess emotional reactions to music, it is necessary to consider how those reactions are mediated by a number of underlying psychological mechanisms, including brain stem reflex, contagion, episodic memory, and musical expectancy.