2 | Subjects


The subject of a sentence or clause identifies the main person, place, object, situation, or idea performing an action or being discussed. Subjects are always nouns or pronouns.

Honesty is the best policy.

She walks to work every day.

2aSingular and Plural Subjects

Subjects may be singular, meaning only one, or plural, meaning more than one.

The tennis ball went over the fence.

Three dogs chased the ball.


2bSimple and Complete Subjects

The simple subject consists only of the noun(s) or pronoun(s) that is performing the action or being discussed. The complete subject consists of the simple subject and all the modifiers that surround it.


2cFinding the Subject in a Sentence

To find the subject of a sentence, locate the first noun or pronoun in the sentence (see 1a and 1b).

Meg began writing her paper.

However, the first noun or pronoun is not always the subject of a sentence. Sometimes nouns performing other functions come before the subject. Be sure the noun or pronoun is not part of a prepositional phrase (See 1f). It can help to find prepositions and strike out prepositional phrases.


Also make sure the noun is not part of a word group beginning with a subordinating conjunction (see 1g). Look for subordinating conjunctions and cross out the word groups that are connected to them.

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In imperative sentences (sentences that make a request or give a command), the understood subject you is often left out.

Do not text and drive. [The subject you is understood and is not included in the sentence.]

EXERCISE 2-1 Identifying Subjects

Circle the simple subject and underline the complete subject in each of the following sentences. Example:

The popular children’s show Sesame Street first aired on public television in 1969.

  1. Before that time, television shows were made for adults or entire families.

  2. Ernie and Bert became familiar characters for all preschoolers.

  3. The show inspired countless future programs for children.

  4. Although Sesame Street was an educational program, it provided entertainment for kids as well.

  5. Over 74 million Americans have watched the show since it began.

  1. Mika and I spent this morning reviewing our notes for the test.

  2. In the bottom drawer, you can find some extra notebooks.

  3. Buildings that meet the new flood requirements will not need to have additional insurance.

  4. Customers who bring their own bags to the store earn reward points.

  5. After watching all the Harry Potter movies in one weekend, Sadie vowed to read all the books again.