Instructor's Notes

To assign the questions that follow this reading, click “Browse More Resources for this Unit,” or go to the Resources panel.

Learning from Other Writers

Brian Hurst

How Your Aggressive Driving Negatively Impacts the Environment

In 2015, GOOD, described as a “magazine for the global citizen,” partnered with the insurance company Progressive to produce Data for GOOD, analyses of statistics and other research aimed at answering such questions as, Does our infrastructure influence our safety? and How have design and technology innovations really transformed us? Drawing on data from devices that monitor driving behavior as well as from other sources, this Data for GOOD infographic explains how aggressive driving has a negative impact on the environment. View the infographic, and then respond to the questions that follow.

Questions to Start You Thinking


  1. What environmentally unfriendly emissions are produced by “obnoxious engine combustion”? What negative effect does each emission have?
  2. What happens in a car’s engine during sudden speeding and sudden braking, and what are the effects?

    Writing Strategies

  3. According to data from Progressive, which city produces the most additional carbon dioxide per 1,000 miles?
  4. What is the purpose of this infographic? How does the information it provides (such as your answers to questions 1, 2, and 3) help to accomplish this purpose?
  5. How does the design of the infographic influence you as a viewer? Consider the selection of features such as fonts, colors, and images as you answer.