Instructor's Notes

To assign the questions that follow this reading, click “Browse More Resources for this Unit,” or go to the Resources panel.

Learning from Other Writers

Consumer Reports Web Editors

The Best Vanilla Ice Cream

Consumer Reports is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reviewing products ranging from cars to ice cream. Click the image below to watch this review, and then respond to the questions that follow.

"Best Vanilla Ice Cream" From Consumer Reports, © 2014 Consumers Union. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this Content without express written permission is prohibited.

Questions to Start You Thinking


  1. According to Amy Keating, a test project leader at Consumer Reports, what qualities does an excellent vanilla ice cream have?
  2. What brands of vanilla ice cream did Consumer Reports evaluate?

    Writing Strategies

  3. According to the organization, which brands are best and why? What faults were identified in the lower-rated brands?
  4. How does the Consumer Reports video approach the process of evaluation? Do you find it effective? Why or why not? (In answering these questions, you might consider features of the video that would not be possible to include in a print review.)
  5. What criteria does Consumer Reports use to evaluate the various brands of vanilla ice cream? How faithfully did the organization stick to these criteria? Use specific examples to support your view.
  6. How is the review organized? Is the organization effective? Why or why not?