Instructor's Notes

To assign the questions that follow this reading, click “Browse More Resources for this Unit,” or go to the Resources panel.

Learning from Other Writers

Casey Neistat

Texting While Walking

Videographer Casey Neistat explores the dangers of texting while walking before proposing a solution. Click on the image below to watch this comical video, and then respond to the questions that follow.

Casey Neistat

Questions to Start You Thinking


  1. Why does the video say texting while walking is dangerous?
  2. Why does the video say texting while walking is inconsiderate?
  3. What solution does Neistat propose?

    Writing Strategies

  4. Neistat uses humor to convince viewers that texting while walking is dangerous and that he has an appropriate solution. What does his attitude or approach tell you about his intended audience? Do you find his use of humor effective? Why or why not?
  5. What evidence does Neistat provide to argue that texting while walking is dangerous? Is the evidence convincing? Why or why not?
  6. Neistat incorporates scripted video, interview, and multimedia elements in this selection. Why do you think he incorporated these different types of content? What other types of content might he have used?