EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences
EXERCISE 20–9Run-on sentences
If the sentence is a run-on, revise it using a technique that you find effective. If the sentence is correct, do not change it. When you have finished, click on Submit both to check and to record your answer. Answers may vary.
The presence of a small number of white blood cells in the blood is normal, a high concentration of white cells may be cause for concern.
The presence of a small number of white blood cells in the blood is normal, but a high concentration of white cells may be cause for concern.orAlthough the presence of a small number of white blood cells in the blood is normal, a high concentration of white cells may be cause for concern. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 1 of 10: The presence of a small number of white blood cells in the blood is normal, a high concentration of white cells may be cause for concern.
The Chevy Chase swimmers were determined to win this medley relay for one reason, it was their last chance to beat their rivals from Kensington.
The Chevy Chase swimmers were determined to win this medley relay for one reason: It [or it] was their last chance to beat their rivals from Kensington. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 2 of 10: The Chevy Chase swimmers were determined to win this medley relay for one reason, it was their last chance to beat their rivals from Kensington.
My business is very competitive, therefore I need to continue my education.
My business is very competitive; therefore, I need to continue my education. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 3 of 10: My business is very competitive, therefore I need to continue my education.
After the publication of his novel A Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger became reclusive and eventually stopped publishing.
No change For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 4 of 10: After the publication of his novel A Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger became reclusive and eventually stopped publishing.
The A team outfielders shared six pizzas they drowned their sorrows in several pitchers of root beer.
The A team outfielders shared six pizzas and drowned their sorrows in several pitchers of root beer. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 5 of 10: The A team outfielders shared six pizzas they drowned their sorrows in several pitchers of root beer.
The polar bear has evolved over millions of years to live and hunt almost exclusively on frozen sea water, however, global warming, which has led to the melting of sea ice, has threatened the bear’s continued existence.
The polar bear has evolved over millions of years to live and hunt almost exclusively on frozen sea water; however, global warming, which has led to the melting of sea ice, has threatened the bear’s continued existence. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 6 of 10: The polar bear has evolved over millions of years to live and hunt almost exclusively on frozen sea water, however, global warming, which has led to the melting of sea ice, has threatened the bear’s continued existence.
When I arrived at the pool, I was immediately put to work cleaning two very large bathrooms, my colleagues worked on the pool itself.
When I arrived at the pool, I was immediately put to work cleaning two very large bathrooms while my colleagues worked on the pool itself. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 7 of 10: When I arrived at the pool, I was immediately put to work cleaning two very large bathrooms, my colleagues worked on the pool itself.
Katharine Hepburn garnered more Academy Awards than any other film star has ever received she won the Oscar for best actress four times.
Katharine Hepburn garnered more Academy Awards than any other film star has ever received; she won the Oscar for best actress four times. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 8 of 10: Katharine Hepburn garnered more Academy Awards than any other film star has ever received she won the Oscar for best actress four times.
At the age of sixty-five, with only $105 from his first Social Security check, Harland David “Colonel” Sanders began to sell his secret Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe to franchises nationwide, when he was seventy-four, Sanders sold his company to a group of investors for $2 million.
At the age of sixty-five, with only $105 from his first Social Security check, Harland David “Colonel” Sanders began to sell his secret Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe to franchises nationwide. When he was seventy-four, Sanders sold his company to a group of investors for $2 million. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 9 of 10: At the age of sixty-five, with only $105 from his first Social Security check, Harland David “Colonel” Sanders began to sell his secret Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe to franchises nationwide, when he was seventy-four, Sanders sold his company to a group of investors for $2 million.
Why should we donate money to your charity, according to the newspaper, only 50 percent of the funds you solicit reach people in need.
Why should we donate money to your charity? According to the newspaper, only 50 percent of the funds you solicit reach people in need. For more help, see section 20.
EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences - 10 of 10: Why should we donate money to your charity, according to the newspaper, only 50 percent of the funds you solicit reach people in need.