US Census Bureau, “America’s Foreign Born in the Last 50 Years”

US Census Bureau

The US Census Bureau is an agency of the federal government agency whose mission is keeping track of myriad details regarding the American population. Once a decade the Census Bureau conducts a general census, or count, sending brief questionnaires and interviewers to every household in the country. In the intervening years it carries out more focused surveys, questioning selected families and organizations about details such as employment, income, housing, education, and child care. Information from both the Decennial Census and the American Community Surveys is used for many purposes, including determining how federal funds will be allocated among various neighborhoods and services and how congressional districts are defined.

“America’s Foreign Born in the Last 50 Years”

In addition to collecting data, the Census Bureau regularly analyzes that information and produces, among other documents, the annual Statistical Abstract of the United States, comprehensive population maps and tables, and infographics such as the one we reproduce here. “America’s Foreign Born in the Last 50 Years” draws on multiple census counts and surveys to examine immigrant populations as they were composed in 1960 and 2010.

Look at the infographic, and respond to the following questions.

Questions on Meaning and Strategy

  1. Question

  2. Question

  3. Question

  4. Question


Suggestions for Writing

  1. Question

  2. Question
