This icon signals the start of the many discussions that highlight protein commonalities or other molecular evolutionary insights.
Only l amino acids make up proteins
Why this set of 20 amino acids?
Additional human globin genes
Catalytic triads in hydrolytic enzymes
Major classes of peptide-
Common catalytic core in type II restriction enzymes
Conserved catalytic core in protein kinases
Why do different human blood types exist?
Archaeal membranes
Ion pumps
Sequence comparisons of Na+ and Ca2+ channels
Small G proteins
Metabolism in the RNA world
Why is glucose a prominent fuel?
NAD+ binding sites in dehydrogenases
Isozymic forms of lactate dehydrogenase
Evolution of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
The α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
Domains of succinyl CoA synthetase
Evolution of the citric acid cycle
Mitochondrial evolution
Conserved structure of cytochrome c
Common features of ATP synthase and G proteins
Pigs lack uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-
Related uncoupling proteins
Chloroplast evolution
Evolutionary origins of photosynthesis
Evolution of the C4 pathway
The relationship of the Calvin cycle and the pentose phosphate pathway
Increasing sophistication of glycogen phosphorylase regulation
Glycogen synthase is homologous to glycogen phosphorylase
A recurring motif in the activation of carboxyl groups
Prokaryotic counterparts of the ubiquitin pathway and the proteasome
A family of pyridoxal-
Evolution of the urea cycle
The P-
Conserved amino acids in transaminases determine amino acid chirality
Feedback inhibition
Recurring steps in purine ring synthesis
Ribonucleotide reductases
Increase in urate levels during primate evolution
Deinococcus radiodurans illustrates the power of DNA repair systems
DNA polymerases
Thymine and the fidelity of the genetic message
Sigma factors in bacterial transcription
Similarities in transcription between archaea and eukaryotes
Evolution of spliceosome-
Classes of aminoacyl-
Composition of the primordial ribosome
Homologous G proteins
A family of proteins with common ligand-
The independent evolution of DNA-
Key principles of gene regulation are similar in bacteria and archaea
CpG islands
miRNAs in gene evolution
The odorant-
Photoreceptor evolution
The immunoglobulin fold
Relationship of tubulin to prokaryotic proteins