Writing a popular textbook is both a challenge and an honor. Our goal is to convey to our students our enthusiasm and understanding of a discipline to which we are devoted. They are our inspiration. Consequently, not a word was written or an illustration constructed without the knowledge that bright, engaged students would immediately detect vagueness and ambiguity. We also thank our colleagues who supported, advised, instructed, and simply bore with us during this arduous task. We are grateful to our colleagues throughout the world who patiently answered our questions and shared their insights into recent developments.

We also especially thank those who served as reviewers for this new edition. Their thoughtful comments, suggestions, and encouragement have been of immense help to us in maintaining the excellence of the preceding editions. These reviewers are:

Paul Adams

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Kevin Ahern

Oregon State University

Zulfiqar Ahmad

A.T. Still University of Health Sciences

Young-Hoon An

Wayne State University

Richard Amasino

University of Wisconsin

Kenneth Balazovich

University of Michigan

Donald Beitz

Iowa State University

Matthew Berezuk

Azusa Pacific University

Melanie Berkmen

Suffolk University

Steven Berry

University of Minnesota, Duluth

Loren Bertocci

Marian University

Mrinal Bhattacharjee

Long Island University

Elizabeth Blinstrup-Good

University of Illinois

Brian Bothner

Montana State University

Mark Braiman

Syracuse University

David Brown

Florida Gulf Coast University

Donald Burden

Middle Tennessee State University

Nicholas Burgis

Eastern Washington University

W. Malcom Byrnes

Howard University College of Medicine

Graham Carpenter

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

John Cogan

The Ohio State University

Jeffrey Cohlberg

California State University, Long Beach

David Daleke

Indiana University

John DeBanzie

Northeastern State University

Cassidy Dobson

St. Cloud State University

Donald Doyle

Georgia Institute of Technology

Ludeman Eng

Virginia Tech

Caryn Evilia

Idaho State University

Kirsten Fertuck

Northeastern University

Brent Feske

Armstrong Atlantic University

Patricia Flatt

Western Oregon University

Wilson Francisco

Arizona State University

Gerald Frenkel

Rutgers University

Ronald Gary

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Eric R. Gauthier

Laurentian University

Glenda Gillaspy

Virginia Tech

James Gober


Christina Goode

California State University, Fullerton

Nina Goodey

Montclair State University

Eugene Grgory

Virginia Tech

Robert Grier

Atlanta Metropolitan State College

Neena Grover

Colorado College

Paul Hager

East Carolina University

Ann Hagerman

Miami University

Mary Hatcher-Skeers

Scripps College

Diane Hawley

University of Oregon

Blake Hill

Medical College of Wisconsin

Pui Ho

Colorado State University

Charles Hoogstraten

Michigan State University

Frans Huijing

University of Miami

Kathryn Huisinga

Malone University

Cristi Junnes

Rocky Mountain College

Lori Isom

University of Central Arkansas

Nitin Jain

University of Tennessee

Blythe Janowiak

Saint Louis University

Gerwald Jogl

Brown University

Kelly Johanson

Xavier University of Louisiana

Jerry Johnson

University of Houston-Downtown

Todd Johnson

Weber State University

David Josephy

University of Guelph

Michael Kalafatis

Cleveland State University

Marina Kazakevich

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Jong Kim

Alabama A&M University


Sung-Kun Kim

Baylor University

Roger Koeppe

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Dmitry Kolpashchikov

University of Central Florida

Min-Hao Kuo

Michigan State University

Isabel Larraza

North Park University

Mark Larson

Augustana College

Charles Lawrence

Montana State University

Pan Li

State University of New York, Albany

Darlene Loprete

Rhodes College

Greg Marks

Carroll University

Michael Massiah

George Washington University

Keri McFarlane

Northern Kentucky University

Michael Mendenhall

University of Kentucky

Stephen Mills

University of San Diego

Smita Mohanty

Auburn University

Debra Moriarity

University of Alabama, Huntsville

Stephen Munroe

Marquette University

Jeffrey Newman

Lycoming College

William Newton

Virginia Tech

Alfred Nichols

Jacksonville State University

Brian Nichols

University of Illinois, Chicago

Allen Nicholson

Temple University

Brad Nolen

University of Oregon

Pamela Osenkowski

Loyola University, Chicago

Xiaping Pan

East Carolina University

Stefan Paula

Northern Kentucky University

David Pendergrass

University of Kansas-Edwards

Wendy Pogozelski

State University of New York, Geneseo

Gary Powell

Clemson University

Geraldine Prody

Western Washington University

Joseph Provost

University of San Diego

Greg Raner

University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Tanea Reed

Eastern Kentucky University

Christopher Reid

Bryant University

Denis Revie

California Lutheran University

Douglas Root

University of North Texas

Johannes Rudolph

University of Colorado

Brian Sato

University of California, Irvine

Glen Sauer

Fairfield University

Joel Schildbach

Johns Hopkins University

Stylianos Scordilis

Smith College

Ashikh Seethy

Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi

Lisa Shamansky

California State University, San Bernardino

Bethel Sharma

Sewanee: University of the South

Nicholas Silvaggi

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Kerry Smith

Clemson University

Narashima Sreerama

Colorado State University

Wesley Stites

University of Arkansas

Jon Stoltzfus

Michigan State University

Gerald Stubbs

Vanderbilt University

Takita Sumter

Winthrop University

Anna Tan-Wilson

State University of New York, Binghamton

Steven Theg

University of California, Davis

Marc Tischler

University of Arizona

Ken Traxler

Bemidji State University

Brian Trewyn

Colorado School of Mines

Vishwa Trivedi

Bethune Cookman University

Panayiotis Vacratsis

University of Windsor

Peter van der Geer

San Diego State University

Jeffrey Voigt

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Grover Waldrop

Louisiana State University

Xuemin Wang

University of Missouri

Yuqi Wang

Saint Louis University

Rodney Weilbaecher

Southern Illinois University

Kevin Williams

Western Kentucky University

Laura Zapanta

University of Pittsburgh

Brent Znosko

Saint Louis University

We have been working with the people at W. H. Freeman/Macmillan Higher Education for many years now, and our experiences have always been enjoyable and rewarding. Writing and producing the eighth edition of Biochemistry confirmed our belief that they are a wonderful publishing team and we are honored to work with them. Our Macmillan colleagues have a knack for undertaking stressful, but exhilarating, projects and reducing the stress without reducing the exhilaration and a remarkable ability to coax without ever nagging. We have many people to thank for this experience, some of whom are first timers to the Biochemistry project.


We are delighted to work with Senior Acquisitions Editor, Lauren Schultz, for the first time. She was unfailing in her enthusiasm and generous with her support. Another new member of the team was our developmental editor, Irene Pech. We have had the pleasure of working with a number of outstanding developmental editors over the years, and Irene continues this tradition. Irene is thoughtful, insightful, and very efficient at identifying aspects of our writing and figures that were less than clear. Lisa Samols, a former developmental editor, served as a consultant, archivist for previous editions, and a general source of publishing knowledge. Senior Project Editor Deni Showers, with Sherrill Redd, managed the flow of the entire project, from copyediting through bound book, with admirable efficiency. Irene Vartanoff and Mercy Heston, our manuscript editors, enhanced the literary consistency and clarity of the text. Vicki Tomaselli, Design Manager, produced a design and layout that makes the book uniquely attractive while still emphasizing its ties to past editions. Photo Editor Christine Buese and Photo Researcher Jacalyn Wong found the photographs that we hope make the text not only more inviting, but also fun to look through. Janice Donnola, Illustration Coordinator, deftly directed the rendering of new illustrations. Paul Rohloff, Production Coordinator, made sure that the significant difficulties of scheduling, composition, and manufacturing were smoothly overcome. Amanda Dunning and Donna Brodman did a wonderful job in their management of the media program. In addition, Amanda ably coordinated the print supplements plan. Special thanks also to editorial assistants Shannon Moloney and Nandini Ahuja. Sandy Lindelof, Executive Marketing Manager, enthusiastically introduced this newest edition of Biochemistry to the academic world. We are deeply appreciative of Craig Bleyer and his sales staff for their support. Without their able and enthusiastic presentation of our text to the academic community, all of our efforts would be in vain. We also wish to thank Kate Ahr Parker, Publisher, for her encouragement and belief in us.

Thanks also to our many colleagues at our own institutions as well as throughout the country who patiently answered our questions and encouraged us on our quest. Finally, we owe a debt of gratitude to our families—our wives, Wendie Berg, Alison Unger, and Megan Williams, and our children, especially Timothy and Mark Gatto. Without their support, comfort, and understanding, this endeavor could never have been undertaken, let alone successfully completed.


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