Chapter 35
1. (a) Skeletal muscle and eukaryotic cilia derive their free energy from ATP hydrolysis; the bacterial flagellar motor uses a proton-
(b) Skeletal muscle requires myosin and actin. Eukaryotic cilia require microtubules and dynein. The bacterial flagellar motor requires MotA, MotB, and FliG, as well as many ancillary components.
2. 6400 Å/80 Å = 80 body lengths per second. For a 10-
3. 4pN = 8.8 × 10−13 pounds. The weight of a single motor domain is 100,000 g mol−1/(6.023 × 1023 molecules mol−1) = 1.7 × 10−19 g = 3.7 × 10−22 pounds. Thus, a motor domain can lift (8.8 × 10−13/3.7 × 10−22) = 2.4 = 109 times its weight.
4. Both actin filaments and microtubules are built from subunits and these subunits bind and hydrolyze nucleoside triphosphates. Actin filaments are built of a single type of subunit and these subunits bind ATP. Microtubules are built of two different types of subunits and these subunits bind GTP.
5. The light chains in myosin stiffen the lever arm. The light chains in kinesin bind cargo to be transported.
6. After death, the ratio of ADP to ATP increases rapidly. In the ADP form, myosin motor domains bind tightly to actin. Myosin–
7. Above its critical concentration, ATP-
8. A one-
9. A proton-
10. The mean distance between tumbles would be longer when the bacterium is moving up a gradient of a chemoattractant.
11. (a) 1.13 × 10−9 dyne
(b) 6.8 × 1014 erg
(c) 6.6 × 10−11 erg per 80 molecules of ATP. A single kinesin motor provides more than enough free energy to power the transport of micrometer-
12. The spacing between identical subunits on microtubules is 8 nm. Thus, a kinesin molecule with a step size that is not a multiple of 8 nm would have to be able to bind at more than one type of site on the microtubule surface.
13. KIF1A must be tethered to an additional microtubule-
14. Filaments built from subunits can be arbitrarily long, can be dynamically assembled and disassembled, and require only a small amount of genetic information to encode.
15. Protons still flow from outside to inside the cell. Each proton might pass into the outer half-
16. At a high concentration of calcium ion, Ca2+ binds to calmodulin. In turn, calmodulin binds to a protein kinase that phosphorylates myosin light chains and activates it. At low calcium ion concentration, the light chains are dephosphorylated by a Ca2+-independent phosphatase.
17. (a) The value of kcat is approximately 13 molecules per second, whereas the KM value for ATP is approximately 12 µM.
(b) The step size is approximately (380 − 120)/7 = 37 nm.
(c) The step size is very large, which is consistent with the presence of six light-