Question 12.1

Population density. How many phospholipid molecules are there in a 1-μm2 region of a phospholipid bilayer membrane? Assume that a phospholipid molecule occupies 70 Å2 of the surface area.

Question 12.2

Through the looking-glass. Phospholipids form lipid bilayers in water. What structure might form if phospholipids were placed in an organic solvent?


Question 12.3

Lipid diffusion. What is the average distance traversed by a membrane lipid in 1 μs, 1 ms, and 1 s? Assume a diffusion coefficient of 10−8 cm2 s−1.

Question 12.4

Protein diffusion. The diffusion coefficient, D, of a rigid spherical molecule is given by

D = kT/6πηr

in which η is the viscosity of the solvent, r is the radius of the sphere, k is the Boltzman constant (1.38 × 10−16 erg degree−1), and T is the absolute temperature. What is the diffusion coefficient at 37° C of a 100-kDa protein in a membrane that has an effective viscosity of 1 poise (1 poise = 1 erg s−1 cm−3)? What is the average distance traversed by this protein in 1 μs, 1 ms, and 1 s? Assume that this protein is an unhydrated, rigid sphere of density 1.35 g cm−3.

Question 12.5

Cold sensitivity. Some antibiotics act as carriers that bind an ion on one side of a membrane, diffuse through the membrane, and release the ion on the other side. The conductance of a lipid-bilayer membrane containing a carrier antibiotic decreased abruptly when the temperature was lowered from 40°C to 36°C. In contrast, there was little change in conductance of the same bilayer membrane when it contained a channel-forming antibiotic. Why?

Question 12.6

Melting point 1. Explain why oleic acid (18 carbons, one cis bond) has a lower melting point than stearic acid, which has the same number of carbon atoms but is saturated. How would you expect the melting point of trans-oleic acid to compare with that of cis -oleic acid? Why might most unsaturated fatty acids in phospholipids be in the cis rather than the trans conformation?

Question 12.7

Melting point 2. Explain why the melting point of palmitic acid (C16) is 6.5 degrees lower than that of stearic acid (C18).

Question 12.8

A sound diet. Small mammalian hibernators can withstand body temperatures of 0° to 5°C without injury. However, the body fats of most mammals have melting temperatures of approximately 25°C. Predict how the composition of the body fat of hibernators might differ from that of their nonhibernating cousins.

Question 12.9

Flip-flop 1. The transverse diffusion of phospholipids in a bilayer membrane was investigated by using a fluorescently labeled analog of phosphatidylserine called NBD-PS. The fluorescence signal of NBD-PS is quenched when exposed to sodium dithionite, a reducing agent that is not membrane permeable.

Lipid vesicles containing phosphatidylserine (98%) and NBD-PS (2%) were prepared by sonication and purified. Within a few minutes of the addition of sodium dithionite, the fluorescence signal of these vesicles decreased to ˜45% of its initial value. Immediately adding a second addition of sodium dithionite yielded no change in the fluorescence signal. However, if the vesicles were allowed to incubate for 6.5 hours, a third addition of sodium dithionite decreased the remaining fluorescence signal by 50%. How would you interpret the fluorescence changes at each addition of sodium dithionite?

Question 12.10

Flip-flop 2. Although proteins rarely if ever flip-flop across a membrane, the distribution of membrane lipids between the membrane leaflets is not absolute except for glycolipids. Why are glycosylated lipids less likely to flip-flop?

Question 12.11

Linkages. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a phospholipid that plays a role in allergic and inflammatory responses, as well as in toxic shock syndrome. The structure of PAF is shown here. How does it differ from the structures of the phospholipids discussed in this chapter?

Question 12.12

A question of competition. Would a homopolymer of alanine be more likely to form an α helix in water or in a hydrophobic medium? Explain.

Question 12.13

A false positive. Hydropathy plot analysis of your protein of interest reveals a single, prominent hydrophobic peak. However, you later discover that this protein is soluble and not membrane associated. Explain how the hydropathy plot may have been misleading.

Question 12.14

Maintaining fluidity. A culture of bacteria growing at 37° C was shifted to 25° C. How would you expect this shift to alter the fatty acid composition of the membrane phospholipids? Explain.

Question 12.15

Let me count the ways. Each intracellular fusion of a vesicle with a membrane requires a SNARE protein on the vesicle (called the v-SNARE) and a SNARE protein on the target membrane (called the t-SNARE). Assume that a genome encodes 21 members of the v-SNARE family and 7 members of the t-SNARE family. With the assumption of no specificity, how many potential v-SNARE–t-SNARE interactions could take place?


Data Interpretation Problems

Question 12.16

Cholesterol effects. The red curve on the following graph shows the fluidity of the fatty acids of a phospholipid bilayer as a function of temperature. The blue curve shows the fluidity in the presence of cholesterol.

  1. What is the effect of cholesterol?

  2. Why might this effect be biologically important?

Question 12.17

Hydropathy plots. On the basis of the following hydropathy plots for three proteins (A–C), predict which would be membrane proteins. What are the ambiguities with respect to using such plots to determine if a protein is a membrane protein?

Question 12.18

Not all inhibitors are equal. Ibuprofen and indomethacin are clinically important inhibitors of prostaglandin H2 synthase-1. Cells expressing this enzyme were incubated under the following conditions, after which the activity of the enzyme was measured by adding radiola-beled arachidonic acid and detecting newly-produced prostaglandin H2:

  1. 40 min without inhibitor (control)

  2. 40 min with inhibitor

  3. 40 min with inhibitor, after which the cells were resuspended in medium without inhibitor

  4. 40 min with inhibitor, after which the cells were resuspended in medium without inhibitor and incubated for an additional 30 min.

  1. Provide a hypothesis explaining the different results for these two inhibitors.

  2. How would these results look if aspirin were tested in a similar fashion?

Chapter Integration Problem

Question 12.19

The proper environment. An understanding of the structure and function of membrane proteins has lagged behind that of other proteins. The primary reason is that membrane proteins are more difficult to purify and crystallize. Why might this be the case?


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