Chapter 1. Chapter 8


Human Development Case Study Exercise
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Case Study

Grandmother and granddaughter having tea
CandyBox Images / Shutterstock

Helene is a widow and the single mother of one child, Jill, who is 5 years old. Jill spends weekday mornings at school and afternoons at the house of her paternal grandmother, Nina. Helene is very grateful for the help that Nina gives her with Jill and knows that Jill really enjoys being at her grandmother's house. The one problem is that Nina doesn't believe in saying no to requests for sweets. Nina gives Jill all the candy, cookies, and soda that she requests. Helene is concerned for Jill regarding future dental problems and obesity.

Visit this Web site to prepare Helene for a discussion with Nina about cutting out sweets: (read the article, “Healthy Teeth and Your Child’s Diet” and also search using the term obesity).

