Human Development Case Study Exercise


Case Study

Parents smiling at their newborn baby

Janna and Matt are both professionals: Janna is a lawyer and Matt an architect. They married in their early 30s and were in no hurry to have children because their professional lives were so fulfilling. After they were married about 5 years, they decided that it was time to start a family. They have a nice home and savings. They planned for Janna to work part time so she could be home as much as possible with the two children that they would have; when the kids entered school, she would return to her career full time.

When the couple decided to start their family, Janna was 37 and Matt was 39. Things didn't work out as they had planned: Janna didn't get pregnant.

Visit this Web site to read about infertility and infertility treatments: , Opens in new window (click on “Causes of Infertility” to read the sections on female and male infertility; also click on “Fertility Treatments” to read about each type).
Also visit: , Opens in new window (click on “Infertility” and “Assisted Reproductive Technology”).

Essay Question