Match each of the terms on the left with its definition on the right. Click on the term first and then click on the matching definition. As you match them correctly they will move to the bottom of the activity.
concrete operational thought classification seriation sensory memory working memory long- knowledge base control processes metacognition executive function ELLs (English Language Learners) immersion bilingual schooling ESL (English as a Second Language) hidden curriculum Trends in Math and Science Study (TIMSS) Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) No Child Left Behind Act National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) charter school private school voucher home schooling | A strategy in which school subjects are taught in both the learner’s original language and the second (majority) language. “Thinking about thinking,” or the ability to evaluate a cognitive task in order to determine how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor and adjust one’s performance on that task. The component of the information- The concept that things can be arranged in a logical series, such as the number sequence or the alphabet. A public subsidy for tuition payment at a nonpublic school. Vouchers vary a great deal from place to place, not only in amount and availability but also in restrictions as to who gets them and what schools accept them. An international assessment of the math and science skills of fourth- A strategy in which instruction in all school subjects occurs in the second (usually the majority) language that a child is learning. A U.S. law enacted in 2001 that was intended to increase accountability in education by requiring states to qualify for federal educational funding by administering standardized tests to measure school achievement. A public school with its own set of standards that is funded and licensed by the state or local district in which it is located. Children in the United States whose proficiency in English is low— The cognitive ability to organize and prioritize the many thoughts that arise from the various parts of the brain, allowing the person to anticipate, strategize, and plan behavior. A school funded by tuition charges, endowments, and often religious or other nonprofit sponsors. The logical principle that things can be organized into groups (or categories or classes) according to some characteristic they have in common. Piaget’s term for the ability to reason logically about direct experiences and perceptions. An ongoing and nationally representative measure of U.S. children’s achievement in reading, mathematics, and other subjects over time; nicknamed “the Nation’s Report Card.” The component of the information- A U.S. approach to teaching English that gathers all the non- Mechanisms (including selective attention, metacognition, and emotional regulation) that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis flow of information within the information- Education in which children are taught at home, usually by their parents. A body of knowledge in a particular area that makes it easier to master new information in that area. Inaugurated in 2001, a planned five- The component of the information- The unofficial, unstated, or implicit rules and priorities that influence the academic curriculum and every other aspect of learning in a school. |