The Development of Social Bonds

As you see, the social context has a powerful impact on development. So does the infant’s age, via brain maturation. With regard to emotional development, the age of the baby determines specific social interactions that lead to growth—first synchrony, then attachment, and finally social referencing (see Visualizing Development, p. 216).


Early parent–child interactions are described as synchrony, a mutual exchange that requires split-second timing. Metaphors for synchrony are often musical—a waltz, a jazz duet—to emphasize that each partner must be attuned to the other, with moment-by-moment responses. Synchrony is evident in the first three months, becoming more frequent and elaborate as the infant matures (Feldman, 2007).

Both Partners Active

Detailed research reveals the symbiosis of adult–infant partnerships. Adults rarely smile at young infants until the infants smile at them, several weeks after birth. That tentative baby smile is like a switch that turns on the adults, who usually grin broadly and talk animatedly (Lavelli & Fogel, 2005).

Direct observation reveals synchrony; anyone can see it when watching a caregiver play with an infant who is too young to talk. It is also evident in computer measurement of the millisecond timing of smiles, arched eyebrows, and so on (Messinger et al., 2010). Synchrony is a powerful learning experience for the new human. In every interaction, infants read others’ emotions and develop social skills, such as taking turns and watching expressions.

Synchrony usually begins with adults imitating infants (not vice versa), with tone and rhythm (Van Puyvelde et al., 2010). Adults respond to barely perceptible infant facial expressions and body motions. This helps infants connect their internal state with behaviors that are understood within their culture. Synchrony is particularly apparent in Asian cultures, perhaps because of a cultural focus on interpersonal sensitivity (Morelli & Rothbaum, 2007).

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Four Happy People Synchrony lets infants and caregivers communicate crucial messages: “I love you,” or “How delightful!,” or simply “Let’s have fun.”

In Western cultures as well, parents and infants become partners. This relationship is crucial when the infant is at medical risk. The necessity of time-consuming physical care might overwhelm concern about psychosocial needs, yet those needs are as important for long-term health as are the biological ones (Newnham et al., 2009). Responsiveness to the individual, not simply to the impaired human, leads to a strong, mutual love between parents and child (Solomon, 2012).

Neglected Synchrony

Is synchrony necessary? If no one plays with an infant, what will happen? Experiments involving the still-face technique have addressed these questions (Tronick, 1989; Tronick & Weinberg, 1997).

In still-face studies, an infant faces an adult who responds normally while two video cameras simultaneously record their interpersonal reactions. Frame-by-frame analysis reveals that parents instinctively synchronize their responses to the infants’ movements, with exaggerated tone and expression. Babies reciprocate with smiles and flailing limbs.

To be specific, long before they can reach out and grab, infants respond excitedly to caregiver attention by waving their arms. They are delighted if the adult moves closer so that a waving arm can touch the face or, even better, a hand can grab hair. You read about this eagerness for interaction (when infants try to “make interesting events last”) in Chapter 6.

In response, adults open their eyes wide, raise their eyebrows, smack their lips, and emit nonsense sounds. Hair-grabbing might make adults bob their head back and forth, in a playful attempt to shake off the grab, to the infants’ delight, or might cause a sudden angry expression, with a loud “No” making the infant burst into tears. Even that is better than no response at all.

In still-face experiments, the adult stops all expression on cue, staring quietly with a “still face” for a minute or two. Sometimes by 2 months, and clearly by 6 months, infants are upset when their parents are unresponsive. Babies frown, fuss, drool, look away, kick, cry, or suck their fingers. By 5 months, they also vocalize, as if to say, “React to me” (Goldstein et al., 2009).

Many studies of still faces and other reactions reach the same conclusion: Babies need synchrony. Responsiveness aids psychosocial and biological development, evident in heart rate, weight gain, and brain maturation. Particularly in the first year, depressed and anxious mothers are less likely to respond with synchrony to their infants, and then babies become less able to respond to social cues (Atzil et al., 2014).

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Toward the end of the first year, face-to-face synchrony almost disappears. Once infants can walk, they are no longer content to respond, moment by moment, to adult facial expressions and vocalizations.

Instead attachment becomes evident. Actually, attachment is lifelong, beginning before birth and influencing relationships throughout life (see At About This Time). Thousands of researchers on every continent have studied attachment.

Researchers were inspired by John Bowlby (1982, 1983) and by Mary Ainsworth, who described mother–infant relationships in central Africa 60 years ago (Ainsworth, 1967). Attachment studies have occurred in every nation, with extensive research on atypical population (e.g., infants with Down syndrom, with autism, and so on) and on adult relationships with other adults and with their own children (Simpson & Rholes, 2015; Grossmann et al., 2014).

Signs of Attachment

Infants show their attachment through proximity-seeking (such as approaching and following their caregivers) and through contact-maintaining (such as touching, snuggling, and holding). Those attachment expressions are evident when a baby cries if the caregiver closes the door when going to the bathroom or fusses if a back-facing car seat prevents the baby from seeing the parent.

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Developing Attachment

Attachment begins at birth and continues lifelong. Much depends not only on the ways in which parents and babies bond, but also on the quality and consistency of caregiving, the safety and security of the home environment, and individual and family experience. While the patterns set in infancy may echo in later life, they are not determinative.


The specific percentages of children who are secure and insecure vary by culture, parent responsiveness, and specific temperament and needs of both the child and the caregiver. Generally, about a third of all 1-year-olds seem insecure.

Video Activity: Mother Love and the Work of Harry Harlow features classic footage of Harlow’s research, showing the setup and results of his famous experiment.

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To maintain contact when driving in a car and to reassure the baby, some caregivers in the front seat reach back to give a hand, or install a mirror so they can see the baby and the baby can see them as they drive. Some caregivers take the baby into the bathroom, leading to one’s mother’s complaint that she hadn’t been alone in the bathroom for two years (Senior, 2014). As in this example, maintaining contact need not be physical: Visual or verbal connections are often sufficient.

Caregivers also are attached. They keep a watchful eye on their baby, and they initiate interactions with expressions, gestures, and sounds. Before going to sleep at midnight they might tiptoe to the crib to gaze at their sleeping infant, or, in daytime, absentmindedly smooth their toddler’s hair.

Attachment is universal, being part of the inborn social nature of the human species, but specific manifestations depend on the culture as well as the age of the people who are attached to each other. For instance, Ugandan mothers never kiss their infants, but they often massage them, contrary to Westerners, who rarely massage except when they are putting on lotion.

Some American adults remain in contact with each other via daily phone calls, e-mails, or texts and keep in proximity by sitting in the same room as each reads quietly. In other cultures, adults often hold hands, hug, touch each others’ faces, shoulders, buttocks. Some scholars believe that attachment to infants, not only from mothers but also fathers, grandparents, and nonrelatives, is the reason that Homo sapiens thrived when other species became extinct (Hrdy, 2009).

Secure and Insecure Attachment

Attachment is classified into four types: A, B, C, and D (see Table 7.1). Infants with secure attachment (type B) feel comfortable and confident. The caregiver is a base for exploration, providing assurance and enabling discovery. A toddler might, for example, scramble down from the caregiver’s lap to play with an intriguing toy but periodically look back and vocalize (contact-maintaining) or bring the toy to the caregiver for inspection (proximity-seeking).

By contrast, insecure attachment (types A and C) is characterized by fear, anxiety, anger, or indifference. Some insecure children play independently without maintaining contact; this is insecure-avoidant attachment (type A). The opposite reaction is insecure-resistant/ambivalent attachment (type C). Children with this type of attachment cling to caregiver and are angry at being left.

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Ainsworth’s original schema differentiated only types A, B, and C. Later researchers discovered a fourth category (type D), disorganized attachment. Type D infants may shift suddenly from hitting to kissing their mothers, from staring blankly to crying hysterically, from pinching themselves to freezing in place.

Among the general population, about two-thirds of infants are secure (type B). Their mothers’ presence gives them courage to explore; her departure causes distress; her return elicits positive social contact (such as smiling or hugging) and then more playing. The infant’s balanced reaction—being concerned but not overwhelmed by comings and goings—indicates security. Early research was only on mothers; later, fathers and other caregivers were included, since they also could have secure or insecure attachments to an infant.

About one-third of infants are insecure, either indifferent (type A) or unduly anxious (type C). About 5 to 10 percent of infants fit into none of these categories; they are disorganized (type D), with no consistent strategy for social interaction, even avoidance or resistance. Sometimes they become hostile and aggressive, difficult for anyone to relate to (Lyons-Ruth et al., 1999). Unlike the first three types, disorganized infants have elevated levels of cortisol in reaction to stress (Bernard & Dozier, 2010).

Measuring Attachment

Ainsworth (1973) developed a now-classic laboratory procedure called the Strange Situation to measure attachment. In a well-equipped playroom, an infant is observed for eight episodes, each lasting three minutes. First, the child and mother are together. Next, according to a set sequence, the mother and then a stranger come and go. Infants’ responses to their mother indicate which type of attachment they have formed.

Researchers are trained to distinguish types A, B, C, and D. They focus on the following:

Excited, Troubled, Comforted This sequence is repeated daily for 1-year-olds, which is why the same sequence is replicated to measure attachment. As you see, toys are no substitute for mother’s comfort if the infant or toddler is secure, as this one seems to be. Some, however, cry inconsolably or throw toys angrily when left alone.
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Attachment is not always measured via the Strange Situation; surveys and interviews are also used. Sometimes parents answer 90 questions about their children’s characteristics, and sometimes adults are interviewed extensively (according to a detailed protocol) about their relationships with their own parents, again with various specific measurements (Fortuna & Roisman, 2008).

Research measuring attachment has revealed that some behaviors that might seem normal are, in fact, a sign of insecurity. For instance, an infant who clings to the caregiver and refuses to explore the toys might be type A. Likewise, adults who say their childhood was happy and their mother was a saint, especially if they provide few specific memories, might be insecure. And young children who are immediately friendly to strangers may never have formed a secure attachment (Tarullo et al., 2011).

Assessments of attachment that were developed and validated for middle-class North Americans may be less useful in other cultures. Infants who seem dismissive or clingy may not necessarily be insecure. Everywhere, however, parents and infants are attached to each other, and everywhere secure attachment predicts academic success and emotional stability (Erdman & Ng, 2010; Otto & Keller, 2014; Drake et al., 2014).

Insecure Attachment and the Social Setting

At first, developmentalists expected secure attachment to “predict all the outcomes reasonably expected from a well-functioning personality” (R. A. Thompson & Raikes, 2003, p. 708). But this expectation turned out to be naive.

Securely attached infants are more likely to become secure toddlers, socially competent preschoolers, high-achieving schoolchildren, and capable parents. Attachment affects early brain development, one reason these later outcomes occur (Diamond & Fagundes, 2010). But insecure infants are not doomed to later failure.

Although attachment patterns form in infancy (see Table 7.2), they are not set in stone; they may change when the family context changes, such as new abuse or income loss. Poverty increases the likelihood of insecure attachment, and insecure attachment correlates with later learning problems, but a third variable may be the reason for this correlation. For instance, many aspects of low SES increase the risk of low school achievement, hostile children, fearful adults, all also increased with insecure infant attachment.

The underlying premise—that responsive early parenting leads to secure attachment, which buffers stress and encourages exploration—seems valid. However, attachment behaviors in the Strange Situation provide only one sign of the quality of the parent–child relationship. Linking early attachment and later problems directly may not be warranted (Keller, 2014).

Insights from Romania

No scholar doubts that close human relationships should develop in the first year of life and that the lack of such relationships risks dire consequences. Unfortunately, thousands of children born in Romania are proof.

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When Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausesçu forbade birth control and abortions in the 1980s, illegal abortions became the leading cause of death for Romanian women aged 15 to 45 (Verona, 2003), and more than 100,000 children were abandoned to crowded, impersonal, state-run orphanages. The children experienced severe deprivation, including virtually no normal interaction, play, or conversation.

Danger Ongoing Look closely and you can see danger. That bent crib bar could strangle an infant, and that chipped paint could contain lead. (Lead tastes sweet; is that why two of the children are biting it?) Fortunately, these three Romanian infants (photographed in 1990) escaped those dangers to be raised in loving adoptive homes. Unfortunately, the damage of social isolation (note the sheet around the crib) could not be completely overcome: Some young adults who spent their first year in an institution like this still carry emotional scars.

In the two years after Ceausesçu was ousted and killed in 1989, thousands of those children were adopted by North American, western European, and Australian families. Those who were adopted before 6 months of age fared best; the adoptive parents established synchrony via play and caregiving. Most of the children developed normally.

For those adopted after 6 months, and especially after 12 months, early signs were encouraging: Skinny infants gained weight and grew faster than other 1-year-olds, developing motor skills they had lacked (H. Park et al., 2011). However, their early social deprivation soon became evident in their emotions and intellect. Many were overly friendly to strangers throughout childhood, a sign of insecure attachment (Tarullo et al., 2011). At age 11, their average IQ was only 85, 15 points below normal (Rutter et al., 2010).

Even among those who were well nourished, or who caught up to normal growth, many became impulsive, angry teenagers. Apparently, the stresses of adolescence and emerging adulthood have exacerbated the cognitive and social strains on these young people and their families (Merz & McCall, 2011).

These children are now adults, many with serious emotional or conduct problems. The cause is more social than biological. Research on children adopted nationally and internationally finds that many develop into normal adults, but every stress—from rejection in infancy to early institutionalization to the circumstances of the adoption process—makes it more difficult for the infant to become a happy, well-functioning adult (Grotevant & McDermott, 2014).

Romanian infants are no longer available for international adoption, even though some remain abandoned. Research confirms that early emotional deprivation, not genes or nutrition, is their greatest problem. Romanian infants develop best in their own families, second best in foster families, and worst in institutions (Nelson et al., 2007). As best we know, this applies to infants everywhere: Families usually nurture their babies better than strangers who care for many infants at once, and the more years children spend in an impersonal institution, the more likely it is they will become socially and intellectually impaired (Julian, 2013).

Fortunately, in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, institutions have improved or been shuttered; more-recent adoptees are not as impaired as those Romanian orphans (Grotevant & McDermott, 2014). However, some infants in every nation are deprived of healthy interaction, sometimes within their own families. Ideally, no infant is institutionalized, but if that ideal is not reached, institutions need to change so that psychological health is as important as physical health (McCall, 2013). Children need responsive caregivers from early infancy on, biological relatives or not.

Preventing Problems

All infants need love and stimulation; all seek synchrony and then attachment—secure if possible, insecure if not. Without some adult support, infants become disorganized and adrift, emotionally troubled. Extreme early social deprivation is difficult to overcome.

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Since synchrony and attachment develop over the first year, and since a third of all parents have difficulty establishing secure attachments, many developmentalists have sought to discover what particularly impairs these parents and what can be done to improve their parenting.

Secure attachment is more difficult to achieve when the parents were abused as children, when families are socially isolated, when mothers are young adolescents, or when infants are unusually difficult (Zeanah et al., 2011). If biological parents do not care for their newborns, foster or adoptive parents need to be found quickly so that synchrony and attachment can develop (McCall, 2013).

Some birth parents, fearing that they cannot provide responsive parenting, choose adoptive parents for their newborns. If high-risk birth parents believe they can provide good care, early support may prevent later problems. Success has been reported when skilled professionals come to the home to nurture relationships between infant and caregiver (Lowell et al., 2011). If a professional helps parents in the first days after birth, perhaps by using the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (mentioned in Chapter 4) to encourage bonding, then problems need never start (e.g., Nugent et al., 2009).

Social Referencing

Rotini Pasta? Look again. Every family teaches their children to relish delicacies that other people avoid. Examples are bacon (not in Arab nations), hamburgers (not in India), and, as shown here, a witchetty grub. This aboriginal Australian boy is about to swallow an insect larva.

Social referencing refers to seeking emotional responses or information from other people, much as a student might consult a dictionary or other reference work. Someone’s reassuring glance, cautionary words, or a facial expression of alarm, pleasure, or dismay—those are social references.

Even at 8 months, infants notice where other people are looking and use that information to look in the same direction themselves (Tummeltshammer et al., 2014). After age 1, when infants can walk and are “little scientists,” their need to consult others becomes urgent as well as more accurate.

Toddlers search for clues in gazes, faces, and body position, paying close attention to emotions and intentions. They focus on their familiar caregivers, but they also use relatives, other children, and even strangers to help them assess objects and events. They are remarkably selective, noticing that some strangers are reliable references and others are not (Fusaro & Harris, 2013).

Social referencing has many practical applications. Consider mealtime. Caregivers the world over smack their lips, pretend to taste, and say “yum-yum,” encouraging toddlers to eat their first beets, liver, or spinach. For their part, toddlers become astute at reading expressions, insisting on the foods that the adults really like. If mother likes it, and presents it on the spoon, then they eat it—otherwise not (Shutts et al., 2013).

Through this process, some children develop a taste for raw fish or curried goat or smelly cheese—foods that children in other cultures refuse. Similarly, toddlers use social cues to understand the difference between real and pretend eating, as well as to learn which objects, emotions, and activities are forbidden.

Fathers as Social Partners

Fathers enhance their children’s social and emotional development in many ways (Lamb, 2010). Synchrony, attachment, and social referencing are sometimes more apparent with fathers than with mothers. Furthermore, fathers typically elicit more smiles and laughter from their infants than mothers do, probably because they play more exciting games, while mothers do more caregiving and comforting (Fletcher et al., 2013).

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Although gender, cultural, and age differences emerge fathers and mothers often work together to raise the children. One researcher reports “mothers and fathers showed patterns of striking similarity: they touched, looked, vocalized, rocked, and kissed their newborns equally” (Parke, 2013, p. 121). Differences are obvious from one couple to another, but not from one gender to another—except for smiling (women do it more).

It is a stereotype that African American, Latin American, and Asian American fathers are less nurturing and more strict than other men (Parke, 2013). Within the United States, the trend toward more father–infant interaction than in previous cohorts is apparent among all ethnic groups, although income and place of residence play a role (Roopnarine & Hossain, 2013; Qin & Chang, 2013).

Close father–infant relationships can teach infants (especially boys) appropriate expressions of emotion, particularly anger. The results may endure: Teenagers are less likely to lash out at friends and authorities if, as infants, they experienced a warm, responsive relationship with their father (Hoeve et al., 2011).

Same Situation, Far Apart: Bonded That fathers enjoy their sons is not surprising, but notice the infants’ hands—one clutching Dad’s hair tightly and the other reaching for Dad’s face. At this age, infants show their trust in adults by grabbing and reaching. Synchrony and attachment are mutual, in Ireland (left), Kenya (right), and in your own neighborhood.

Less rigid gender roles seem to be developing in every nation, allowing a greater caregiving role for fathers within every nation (Lamb, 2013). One U.S. example of historical change is the number of married women with children under age 6 who are employed. In 1970, 30 percent of married mothers of young children earned paychecks; in 2012, 60 percent did (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). These statistics include many mothers of infants, who often rely on the baby’s father for child care.

Note the reference to “married” mothers: About half the mothers of infants in the United States are not married, and their employment rates are higher than their married counterparts. Often, the fathers of their infants are active in child care, whether or not they cohabit. As detailed later in this chapter, fathers—not necessarily married—often care for infants when mothers are at work.

Nonetheless, in most cultures and ethnic groups, fathers of every marital status still spend less time with infants than mothers do (Parke, 2013; Tudge, 2008). National cultures and parental attitudes are influential: Some women are gatekeepers, believing that child care is their special domain. They exclude fathers (perhaps indirectly, saying, “You’re not holding her right”).

When mothers engage the fathers in child care, they must not imply that he cannot do it properly. For example, she may lay out the clothes the baby is to wear, as if he could not find clothes (Pedersen & Kilzer, 2014). Both parents, ideally, are infant caregivers.

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One male/female difference seems to persist: When asked to play with their baby, mothers typically caress, read, sing, or play traditional games such as peek-a-boo. Fathers are more exciting: They move their infant’s limbs in imitation of walking, kicking, or climbing, or they swing the baby through the air, sideways, or even upside down. Mothers might say, “Don’t drop him”; fathers and babies laugh with joy. In this way, fathers tend to help children become less fearful.

Over the past 20 years, father–infant research has tried to answer three questions:

  1. Can men provide the same care as women?

  2. Is father–infant interaction different from mother–infant interaction?

  3. How do fathers and mothers cooperate to provide infant care?

Many studies over the past two decades have answered yes to the first two questions. A baby fed, bathed, and diapered by Dad is just as happy and clean as when Mom does it. Gender differences are sometimes found in specifics, but they are not harmful.

On the third question, the answer depends on the family (Bretherton, 2010). Usually, mothers are caregivers and fathers are playmates, but not always. Each couple, given their circumstances (which might include being immigrant, low-income, or same-sex), finds their own way to complement each other to help their infant thrive (Lamb, 2010). Traditional mother–father roles may be switched, with no harm to the baby (Parke, 2013).

A constructive parental alliance can take many forms, but it cannot be taken for granted, no matter what the family configuration. Single-parent families, or grandparent families, are not necessarily better or worse than nuclear families. (Developmental Link: Family forms are discussed in Chapter 13.)

Sometimes no one is happy with the infant, and then the baby suffers. Father care can be quite wonderful, but it is not always so. One study reported that 7 percent of fathers of 1-year-olds were depressed, and they were four times as likely to spank as were nondepressed fathers (40 percent versus 10 percent) (Davis et al., 2011) (see Figure 7.2). (Developmental Link: Punishment is discussed in Chapter 10.)

Shame on Who? Not on the toddlers, who are naturally curious and careless, but maybe not on the fathers, either. Both depression and spanking are affected by financial stress, marital conflict, and cultural norms; who is responsible for those?

Family members affect each other. Paternal depression correlates with maternal depression and with sad, angry, disobedient toddlers. Cause and consequence are intertwined. When anyone is depressed or hostile, everyone (mother, father, baby, sibling) needs help.

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SUMMING UP   Caregivers and young infants engage in split-second interaction, which is evidence of synchrony. Still-face research has found that infants depend on such responsiveness and try to elicit it. Attachment between people is universal; it is apparent in infancy with contact-maintaining and proximity-seeking behaviors as 1-year-olds explore their world. Such early patterns may persist, affecting how adults respond to their own infants. Without responsive caregivers, as happened to some institutionalized Romanian infants, the child may be impaired socially lifelong.

Toddlers use other people as social references to guide them in their exploration. Fathers are as capable as mothers in social partnerships with infants, although they may favor physical, creative play more than mothers do. Every family member affects all the others; ideally, they cooperate to create a caregivers’ alliance to support the baby’s development.


  1. Question 7.11

    How might synchrony affect early emotional development?

    Parental responsiveness during synchrony aids psychosocial and biological development by providing powerful learning experiences. In every episode, infants learn to read another's facial expression, body language, and emotions, thereby laying the foundation for the development of social skills.
  2. Question 7.12

    How might an infant demonstrate proximity-seeking and contact-maintaining attachment?

    Infants show their attachment through proximity–seeking (such as approaching and following their caregivers) and through contact–maintaining (such as touching, snuggling, and holding). Those attachment expressions are evident when a baby cries if the caregiver closes the door when going to the bathroom or fusses if a back–facing car seat prevents the baby from seeing the parent. To maintain contact when driving in a car and to reassure the baby, some caregivers in the front seat reach back to give a hand, or install a mirror so they can see the baby and the baby can see them as they drive. Some caregivers take the baby into the bathroom. As in this example, maintaining contact need not be physical: Visual or verbal connections are often sufficient.
  3. Question 7.13

    How might each of the four types of attachment be expressed in adulthood?

    Securely attached: Later in life, they tend to have good relationships and good self–esteem.

    Avoidant: Later in life, they tend to be aloof in personal relationships.

    Resistant/Ambivalent: Later in life, their relationships may be angry, stormy, and unpredictable.

    Disorganized: Later in life, they can demonstrate odd behavior—including sudden emotions.
  4. Question 7.14

    What has been learned from the research on Romanian infants?

    Thousands of children born in Romania are proof that the lack of close human relationships risks dire consequences. When Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausesçu forbade birth control and abortions in the 1980s, more than 100,000 children were abandoned to crowded, impersonal, state–run orphanages. The children experienced severe deprivation, including virtually no normal interaction, play, or conversation. Thousands of those children were adopted by North American, Western European, and Australian families. Those who were adopted before 6 months of age fared best; the adoptive parents established synchrony via play and caregiving. Most of the children developed normally. For those adopted after 6 months and especially after 12 months, early signs were encouraging: Skinny infants gained weight and grew faster than other 1–year–olds, developing motor skills they had lacked. However, their early social deprivation soon became evident in their emotions and intellect. Many were overly friendly to strangers throughout childhood, a sign of insecure attachment. At age 11, their average IQ was only 85, 15 points below normal. These children are now adults, many with serious emotional or conduct problems. The cause is more social than biological.
  5. Question 7.15

    How is social referencing important in toddlerhood?

    Toddlers use social referencing for clues in the faces and body position of trusted others, paying close attention to emotions and intentions in order to learn how to interpret the world. If the trusted other looks calm then the child knows the situation is not dangerous.
  6. Question 7.16

    How do fathers contribute to infant development?

    Fathers enhance their children's social and emotional development in many ways, and synchrony, attachment, and social referencing are all apparent with fathers. Close father–infant relationships can teach infants appropriate expressions of emotion, particularly anger. Fathers also elicit more smiles and laughter from infants than mothers do, engaging more often in exciting and active play.