Video: Brain Development Animation: Process of MyelinationALILA MEDICAL MEDIA/SHUTTERSTOCK
Brains grow rapidly before birth and throughout infancy, as you saw in Chapter 5. By age 2, most neurons have connected to other neurons and substantial pruning has occurred. The 2-
Since most of the brain is already present and functioning by age 2, what remains to develop? The most important parts!
Although the brains and bodies of other primates seem better than humans in some ways (they climb trees earlier and faster, for instance) and although many animals have abilities humans lack (smell in dogs, for instance), humans have intellectual capacities far beyond any other animal. Considered from an evolutionary perspective, our brains allowed the human species to develop “a mode of living built on social cohesion, cooperation and efficient planning … survival of the smartest” seems more accurate than survival of the fittest” (Corballis, 2011, p. 194).
As the prefrontal cortex matures, social understanding develops, distinguishing humans from other primates. For example, a careful series of tests given to 106 chimpanzees, 32 orangutans, and 105 human 2½-year-
Children become better at controlling their emotions when they are with other people, no longer wailing, hitting, or laughing out loud on impulse. This is directly connected to brain development as time passes and family experiences continue, although how much of such control is brain-
For example, when a stranger greets them, many 2-
After infancy, some brain growth is the result of proliferation of the communication pathways (dendrites and axons). However, most increased brain weight occurs because of myelination. Myelin (sometimes called the white matter of the brain) is a fatty coating on the axons that speeds signals between neurons (see Figure 8.2).
Although myelination continues for decades, the effects are especially apparent in early childhood (Silk & Wood, 2011). The areas of the brain that show greatest early myelination are the motor and sensory areas (Kolb & Whishaw, 2013), so preschoolers react more quickly to sounds and sights with every passing year.
Speed of thought from axon to neuron becomes pivotal when several thoughts must occur in rapid succession. By age 6, most children can see an object and immediately name it, catch a ball and throw it, write their ABCs in proper sequence, and so on. In fact, rapid naming of letters and objects—
Of course, adults must be patient when listening to young children talk, helping them get dressed, or watching them write each letter of their names. Everything is done more slowly by 6-
One part of the brain that grows and myelinates rapidly during early childhood is the corpus callosum, a long, thick band of nerve fibers that connects the left and right sides of the brain. Growth of the corpus callosum makes communication between the hemispheres more efficient, allowing children to coordinate the two sides of their brains and hence, both sides of their bodies.
Serious disorders result when the corpus callosum fails to develop: This failure is one of several possible causes of autism (Frazier et al., 2012; Floris et al., 2013). Such failures lead to a variety of symptoms, always including intellectual disability (Cavalari & Donovick, 2014).
To understand the significance of the corpus callosum, note that each side of the body and brain specializes and is therefore dominant for certain functions. This is lateralization, literally, “sidedness.” The entire human body is lateralized, apparent not only in right-
Infants and toddlers usually prefer one hand to the other for grabbing spoons and rattles. Indeed, there is evidence that lateralization begins in the womb, so some newborns are already left-
Many cultures try to make every child right-
Especially for Early-
One solution is to remind yourself that the children’s brains are not yet myelinated enough to enable them to quickly walk, talk, or even button their jackets. Maturation has a major effect, as you will observe if you can schedule excursions in September and again in November. Progress, while still slow, will be a few seconds faster.
Many cultures imply that being right-
The design of doorknobs, scissors, baseball mitts, instrument panels, and other objects favor the right hand. (Some manufacturers have special versions for lefties, but few young children know to ask for them.) In many Asian and African cultures, only the left hand is used for wiping after defecation; it is an insult to give someone anything with that “dirty” hand.
Developmentalists advise against switching a child’s handedness, not only because this causes adult–
A disproportionate number of artists, musicians, and sports stars were/are left-
Acceptance of left-
Astonishing studies of humans whose corpus callosa were severed to relieve severe epilepsy, as well as research on humans and other vertebrates with intact corpus callosa, have revealed how the brain’s hemispheres specialize. Typically, the brain’s left half controls the body’s right side as well as areas dedicated to logical reasoning, detailed analysis, and the basics of language. The brain’s right half controls the body’s left side and areas dedicated to emotional and creative impulses, including appreciation of music, art, and poetry. Thus, the left side notices details and the right side grasps the big picture.
This left–
Both sides of the brain are usually involved in every skill. That is why the corpus callosum is crucial. As myelination progresses, signals between the two hemispheres become quicker and clearer, enabling children to become better thinkers and less clumsy. For example, no 2-
The entire frontal lobe continues to develop for many years after early childhood; dendrite density and myelination are still increasing in emerging adulthood. Nonetheless, neurological control advances significantly every year between ages 2 and 6, as is evident in several ways:
Sleep becomes more regular.
Emotions become more nuanced and responsive.
Temper tantrums subside.
Uncontrollable laughter and tears are less common.
One example of the maturing brain is in the game Simon Says. Players are supposed to follow the leader only when orders are preceded by the words “Simon says.” Thus, if leaders touch their noses and say, “Simon says touch your nose,” players are supposed to touch their noses, but when leaders touch their noses and say, “Touch your nose,” no one is supposed to follow the example. Young children lose at this game because they impulsively do what they see and hear. Older children can think before acting. The prefrontal cortex works!
Such advances can be observed in every child, but might personal experience rather than brain maturation be the reason? A convincing demonstration that something neurological, not experiential, is the primary reason for these changes comes from a series of experiments with shapes and colors.
These experiments begin with young children given a set of cards with clear outlines of trucks or flowers, some red and some blue. They are asked to “play the shape game,” putting trucks in one pile and flowers in another. Three-
Then children are asked to “play the color game,” sorting the cards by color. Most children under age 4 fail. Instead, they sort by shape, as they had done before. This basic test has been replicated in many nations; 3-
When this result was first obtained, experimenters thought perhaps the children didn’t have enough experience to know their colors; so the scientists switched the order, first playing “the color game.” Most 3-
Researchers are looking into many possible explanations for this result (Müller et al., 2006; Marcovitch et al., 2010; Ramscar et al., 2013). All agree, however, that something in the brain must mature before children are able to switch from one way of sorting objects to another. (Developmental Link: Maturation of the prefrontal cortex is also discussed in Chapter 5, Chapter 11, and Chapter 14.)
Neurons have only two kinds of impulses: on–
Many young children are notably unbalanced. They are impulsive, flitting from one activity to another. That explains why many 3-
For some preschoolers, the see-
Many explanations for perseveration are plausible, and the tendency is unmistakable. Often young children repeat one phrase or question again and again, and often once they start giggling they find it hard to stop. Another example of perseveration occurs when a child has a tantrum when told to end an activity. (Wise teachers give a warning—
Impulsiveness and perseveration are opposite manifestations of the same underlying cause: immaturity of the prefrontal cortex. No young child is perfect at regulating attention; impulsiveness and perseveration are evident in every young child.
A longitudinal study of children from ages 3 to 6 found their ability to pay attention increased steadily, and that led to academic learning and behavioral control (fewer outbursts or tears) (Metcalfe et al., 2013). That development continues in middle childhood as brain maturation (innate) and emotional regulation (learned) allow most children to pay attention and switch activities as needed. By adolescence, teenagers change tasks at the sound of the bell.
Exceptions include children with attention-
As with all biological maturation, development of impulse control and behavioral flexibility is related to upbringing. A study of Korean preschoolers found that they developed impulse control and reduced perseveration sooner than a comparable group of English children. This study included the shape–
Now that we have considered the prefrontal cortex, we turn to another region of the brain, sometimes called the limbic system, the major system for emotions. Emotional expression and emotional regulation advance during early childhood. (Developmental Link: Emotional regulation is discussed further in Chapter 10 and Chapter 15.) Crucial to that advance are three parts of the brain—
The amygdala is a tiny structure deep in the brain. It registers emotions, both positive and negative, especially fear (Kolb & Whishaw, 2013). Increased amygdala activity is one reason some young children have terrifying nightmares or sudden terrors, overwhelming the prefrontal cortex. Similarly, a child may refuse to enter an elevator or may be hysterical at a nightmare.
The amygdala responds to comfort but not to logic. If a child is terrified of, say, a dream of a lion in the closet, an adult should not laugh but might open the closet door and command the lion to go home.
Another structure in the emotional network is the hippocampus, located next to the amygdala. A central processor of memory, especially memory for locations, the hippocampus responds to the anxieties of the amygdala by summoning memory. A child can remember, for instance, whether previous elevator riding was scary or fun.
Early memories of location are fragile because the hippocampus is still developing. Nonetheless, emotional memories from early childhood can interfere with expressed, rational thinking: An adult might have a panic attack but not know why.
The interaction of the amygdala and the hippocampus is sometimes helpful, sometimes not; fear can be constructive or destructive (LaBar, 2007). Studies of animals find that when the amygdala is surgically removed, the animals are fearless in situations that should scare them. For instance, a cat without an amygdala will stroll nonchalantly past monkeys—
A third part of the limbic system, the hypothalamus, responds to signals from the amygdala (arousing) and from the hippocampus (usually dampening) by producing cortisol, oxytocin, and other hormones that activate parts of the brain and body (see Figure 8.3). Ideally, this hormone production occurs in moderation. Both temperamental inhibition and parental responses affect whether or not the hypothalamus will overreact, making the preschooler too anxious—
Especially for Neurologists Why do many experts think the limbic system is an oversimplified explanation of brain function?
The more we discover about the brain, the more complex we realize it is. Each part has specific functions and is connected to every other part.
As the limbic system develops, young children watch their parents’ emotions closely. If a parent looks worried when entering an elevator, the child may fearfully cling to the parent when the elevator moves. If this sequence recurs often enough, the child may become hypersensitive to elevators, as fear from the amygdala joins memories from the hippocampus, increasing cortisol production via the hypothalamus. If, instead, the parent makes elevator riding fun (letting the child push the buttons, for instance), initial fears subside, and the child’s brain will be aroused to enjoy elevators—
Knowing the varieties of fears and joys is helpful when a teacher takes a group of young children on a trip. To stick with the elevator example, one child might be terrified while another child might rush forward, pushing the close button before the teacher enters. Every experience (elevators, fire engines, train rides, animals at the zoo, a police officer) is likely to trigger a range of emotions, without much reflection, in a group of 3-
During infancy and early childhood, extreme stress may cause cortisol to flood the brain and destroy part of the hippocampus. There is “extensive evidence of the disruptive impacts of toxic stress” (Shonkoff et al., 2012). Too much of that hormone early in life may lead to permanent deficits in learning and health, causing major depression, post-
Yet some stress is needed for normal brain growth. Emotionally arousing experiences—
Video Activity: The Childhood Stress-
In an experiment, brain scans and hormone measurements were taken of 4-
Generally, a balance between arousal and reassurance is needed. For instance, if children are witnesses to a crime (a stressful experience), a child’s memory is more accurate when an interviewer is warm and attentive, listening carefully but not suggesting some answers instead of others (Teoh & Lamb, 2013).
Studies of maltreated children suggest that excessive stress hormone levels in early childhood permanently damage the brain. The impaired hypothalamus produces hormones that affect emotions lifelong (Evans & Kim, 2013; Wilson et al., 2011).
Sadly, this topic leads again to those adopted Romanian children mentioned in Chapter 7. When some of them (presumably those who experienced more stress) saw pictures of happy, sad, frightened, or angry faces, their limbic systems were less reactive than were those of Romanian children who were living with their biological parents. The adopted children’s brains were also less lateralized, suggesting less specialized, less efficient thinking (Nelson et al., 2014). Thus, early stress had probably impaired their brains.
Romania no longer permits wholesale international adoptions. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, some children are raised in institutions. They are confined to cribs most of the time, and are severely impaired in motor skills, as well as language and social bonding. As you remember, adoption (local or international) should occur before age 1 for the best outcomes.
That is not always possible, however. In one study, at about age 2 some institutionalized Romanian children were randomly assigned to well-
Unfortunately, although these children did better than those who remained in institutions, they lagged behind another group who were with their parents the whole time. That group did not receive excellent physical and medical care, as the foster children did, but they were loved and stimulated by growing up in their families. In neurological development, that made all the difference (Marshall, 2014).
SUMMING UP The brain continues to mature during early childhood. Myelination is notable in several crucial areas. One is the corpus callosum, which connects the two sides of the brain and therefore allows control of the two sides of the body. The human brain and body are lateralized, which means left-
Increased myelination speeds up actions and reactions. Furthermore, the prefrontal cortex enables the balancing of action and inhibition, allowing children to think before they act and to stop one action to begin another. As impulsiveness and perseveration decrease, children become better able to learn.
Several key areas of the brain—
How much does the brain grow from ages 2 to 6?
Why is myelination important for thinking and motor skills?
What is the function of the corpus callosum?
What should parents do if their toddler seems left-
How does the prefrontal cortex affect impulsivity and perseveration?
What is the function of each of the three areas of the brain that are part of the limbic system?
Is stress beneficial or harmful to young children?