Infographic Activity
by Kathleen Stassen Berger

Visualizing Development: Early Communication and Language

The universal sequence of language development is evident in the similarity of the first words of infants across cultures. The infographic describes important milestones in this sequence and provides examples that will likely be familiar to you.



1Paulette is a thriving baby who is developing her communication skills. She is able to express negative feelings with her arms and facial expressions, makes sounds when she hears noises, and can distinguish others’ emotions through their vocal tone. Paulette is about blank months of age.
2The first words that a baby typically utters represent blank and are remarkably similar across different cultures.
Kathleen Stassen Berger, Infographic Activity

Chapter 1. VISUALIZING DEVELOPMENT: Early Communication and Language


Kathleen Stassen Berger, Infographic Activity

1.1 QUIZ

1. Making a diagnosis

_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

Paulette is a thriving baby who is developing her communication skills. She is able to express negative feelings with her arms and facial expressions, makes sounds when she hears noises, and can distinguish others’ emotions through their vocal tone. Paulette is about _____ months of age.


2. Societal Pressures

_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

The first words that a baby typically utters represent ________ and are remarkably similar across different cultures.


3. Societal Pressures

_feedback: Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

Discuss the increasing complexity of a child’s communication skills between birth and age 2. Note several milestones that are mastered at different age periods.