11.6 What Have You Learned?

1. What advantages do emerging adults have in terms of their health?

2. Biologically, why is emerging adulthood the best time to have a baby?

3. Why do many emerging adults choose to delay parenthood?

4. Why has the AIDS epidemic slowed in recent years?

5. What are the pros and cons of risk taking in emerging adulthood?

6. Why are emerging adults more likely than people of other ages to take part in risky sports?

7. Why is drug abuse common among emerging adults?

8. What are the differences between formal operational thought and postformal thought?

9. How is adult thinking different from adolescent thinking?

10. In what ways does cognition continue to change throughout adulthood?

11. How does flexible thinking affect social understanding?

12. How do current college and university enrolment patterns differ from those of 50 years ago?


13. According to Perry, how does students’ thinking change during their college or university career? What factors explain this change?

14. Why are some current researchers criticizing college and university education?

15. In what way does diversity affect college and university students’ learning?

16. How does ethnic pride change from early adolescence to adulthood?

17. Why might vocational identity be an outdated social construction?

18. What is the general trend of self-esteem during emerging adulthood?

19. What reassurance might you offer the parents of an aggressive teen and of a shy teen as their children enter emerging adulthood?

20. What factors might explain personality shifts—both positive and negative—after adolescence?

21. In what three main ways do young adults meet their need for intimacy?

22. In what three main ways do emerging adults meet their romantic partners?

23. How has social networking changed the process of mate selection?

24. Why do many emerging adults cohabit instead of marrying?

25. Why do people assume that emerging adults are not influenced by their parents?

26. What surprises have emerged from studies of the attitudes of emerging adults and their parents?

27. Why might family relationships sometimes improve when young adults leave home?

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