11.7 Applications

1. Describe an incident during your emerging adulthood when taking a risk could have led to disaster. What were your feelings at the time? What would you do if you knew that a child of yours was about to do the same thing?

2. Read a biography or autobiography that includes information about the person’s thinking from adolescence through adulthood. How did personal experiences, education, and maturation affect the person’s reactions and analysis?

3. Only a few statistics regarding historical and national changes in admission of college and university students of both sexes and various backgrounds are reported here. Compare your country, province, or territory with another, using current as well as historical date. Discuss causes and implications of differences.

4. Talk to three people you would expect to have contrasting views on love and marriage (differences in age, gender, upbringing, experience, and religion might affect attitudes). Ask each the same questions and then compare their answers.


To accompany your textbook, you have access to a number of online resources, including LearningCurve, which is an adaptive quizzing program; critical thinking questions; and case studies. For access to any of these links, go to www.worthpublishers.com/launchpad/bergerinvitels2ecanadian. In addition to these resources, you’ll find links to video clips, personalized study advice, and an e-Book. Among the videos and activities available online are the following:

  • Transition to Parenthood. Videos of couples in various stages of parenthood highlight the physical, emotional, social, household, and vocational changes that accompany this new responsibility.
  • Homosexuality: Genes Versus Environment. What makes someone gay? This video shows how the nature–nurture debate plays out when applied to this question.
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