14.8 What Have You Learned?

1. What are the similarities and differences among ageism, racism, and sexism?

2. In what ways do older adults perpetuate ageism?

3. How does ageism affect older adults’ mental and physical health?

4. In what ways does elderspeak reduce communication?

5. Give an example of how protecting older adults might actually lead to more harm.

6. Why is the increasing number of older people less problematic than it was once thought to be?

7. What are the differences among young-old, old-old, and oldest-old?

8. What are the differences in the sleep patterns of the old and the young?

9. What problems associated with aging do older drivers experience? How do they compensate for these problems? What other measures would help them (and all other drivers)?

10. What changes occur in the sense organs in old age, and how can their effects be minimized?

11. What changes in the brain occur with age?

12. Why is multi-tasking particularly difficult in late adulthood?

13. How does sensory loss affect cognition?

14. Which kinds of things are harder to remember with age? Which kinds of memories seem well preserved with age?

15. How are control processes affected by age?

16. Why is ecological validity especially important for testing cognition and abilities?

17. What is the difference between primary aging and secondary aging?

18. How is compression of morbidity good for society as well as for the individual?

19. Why is falling a serious health problem in old age?

20. Why has the language surrounding neurocognitive disorder changed in recent years?

21. What proof is there that Alzheimer’s disease is partly genetic?

22. Why are most people unaware of the early stages of vascular NCD?

23. In what ways is frontal lobe disorder more challenging than Alzheimer’s disease?

24. What effect does a person’s age have on the progression of Parkinson’s disease?

25. Why is an excess of Lewy bodies sometimes mistaken for Parkinson’s disease?

26. How successful are scientists at preventing neurocognitive disorders?

27. Why is accurate diagnosis important when older people have cognitive difficulties?

28. Why is overmedication more likely for older people than younger adults?

29. According to Erikson, what gains may be evident in older people? What gains may be evident according to Maslow?


30. What are the purpose and benefits of the life review?

31. What factors are considered part of wisdom, and how do these relate to aging?

32. What lifestyle factors might result in increased energy, alertness, and optimism in centenarians?

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