People who don’t know infants might think they are passive creatures at first, unable to do much. But that is far from the truth: Developmentalists have traced the immediate and rapid development of every skill.
Every sense functions at birth. Newborns have open eyes, sensitive ears, and responsive noses, tongues, and skin. Indeed, very young babies seem to attend to everything without much judgment. For instance, in the first months of life, they smile at strangers and put almost anything in their mouths (Adolph & Berger, 2005).
Why are new infants not more cautious? Because sensation precedes perception, and perception leads to cognition. In order to learn, babies need to begin by responding to every sensation that might be significant.
Sensation occurs when a sensory system detects a stimulus, as when the inner ear reverberates with sound or the retina and pupil of the eye intercept light. Thus, sensations begin when an outer organ (eye, ear, nose, tongue, or skin) meets anything that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Sensation at birth is affected by genetic selection over more than 100 000 years. Humans cannot hear what mice hear, or see what bats see, or smell what puppies smell; humans do not need those sensory abilities. However, survival requires people to respond to other people, and newborns innately do so (Konner, 2010; Lloyd-
Perception occurs when the brain notices and processes a sensation. This happens in the cortex, usually as the result of a message from one of the sensing organs, such as from the eye to the visual cortex. If a particular sensation occurs often, it connects with past experience, making a particular sight worth interpreting (M. E. Diamond, 2007).
Some sensations are beyond comprehension at first. A newborn has no idea that the letters on a page might have significance, that the mother’s face should be distinguished from the father’s, or that the smells of roses and garlic have different connotations. Perceptions require experience. Infants’ brains are especially attuned to their own repeated social experiences, and that is how perception occurs. Thus, a newborn named Emily has no concept that Emily is her name. However she is born with crucial sensations, including the brain and auditory capacity to hear sounds in the usual speech range (not the high sounds that only dogs can hear) and an inborn preference for repeated patterns and human speech.
By about 4 months, when her auditory cortex is rapidly creating and pruning dendrites, the repeated word Emily is perceived as well as sensed, especially because that sound emanates from the people Emily has come to love (Saffran et al., 2006). By 6 months, Emily may open her eyes and turn her head when her name is called. It will take many more months before she says “Emmy” and still longer before she knows that Emily is indeed her name.
Thus, perception follows sensation, when senses are noticed by the brain. Then cognition follows perception, when people think about what they have perceived. (Later, cognition no longer requires sensation: People imagine, fantasize, and hypothesize.) The sequence from sensation to perception to cognition requires that an infant’s sense organs function. No wonder the parts of the cortex dedicated to the senses develop rapidly: That is the prerequisite for human intellect. Now, some specifics.
Touch and PainThe sense of touch is acute in infants, with wrapping, rubbing, and cradling all soothing to many new babies. Some infants relax when held by their familiar caregiver, even when their eyes are closed. The ability to be comforted by touch is one of the important skills tested in the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS, described in Chapter 2).
Although newborns respond to being securely held, soon they prefer specific, familiar touches. Caressing, swaddling, kissing, massaging, tickling, bouncing, and rocking are various means of soothing infants.
Pain is not one of the five senses, but it is often connected to touch. Some babies cry when being changed because sudden coldness on their skin is distressing. Some touches seem to be intrusive and produce crying.
Since the process of myelination, which speeds the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, is not complete in infant brains, scientists have debated for years whether newborns experience pain to the same degree as adults. Now, the consensus seems to be that newborns do feel some kind of pain when undergoing procedures such as circumcision or setting a broken bone.
In a recent longitudinal study on infant pain response to heel pricking (routine after birth), Williams and her colleagues concluded that preterm infants do indeed experience pain right after birth and that their pain response increases as they get older (Williams et al., 2009). Many physiological measures, including stress hormones, erratic heartbeats, and rapid brain waves, are now studied to assess pain in preterm infants.
One tool designed to measure pain in both preterm and full-
Hearing and Seeing
ESPECIALLY FOR Nurses and Pediatricians The parents of a 6-
Urge the parents to begin learning sign language and investigate the possibility of cochlear implants. Babbling has a biological basis and begins at a specified time, in deaf as well as hearing babies. If their infant can hear, sign language does no harm. If the child is deaf, however, non-communication may be destructive.
The sense of hearing develops during the last trimester of pregnancy, which means that fetuses hear sounds in the womb. Since infants have experiences with their mothers’ voice prenatally, they develop voice/sound preferences. Some studies have shown that human fetuses seem to recognize and respond more positively to the sound of their own mother’s voice than to that of other women (Kisilevsky et al., 2003). They also often develop a preference for female voices to male voices, but do not seem to have a preference for their father’s voice over other male voices (Brazelton, 1978; DeCasper & Fifer, 1980).
Researchers have also explored the hearing abilities of fetuses starting at 24 weeks after gestation. For example, DeCasper and Fifer (1980) had pregnant mothers read The Cat in the Hat twice a day 6.5 weeks before they were to give birth. After birth, those infants who had heard this story in the womb were more likely to suck on a pacifier faster (an indication that they recognized the story) each time their mothers read this story rather than another story.
For newborns, familiar, rhythmic sounds, such as a heartbeat, are soothing—
By 4 months of age, infants have developed perceptions of speech, as is evident in the Emily example. Babies expect the rhythms, segmentation, and cadence of the words they hear long before they understand meaning (Minagawa-
Vision is the least mature sense at birth. Although the eyes open in mid-
Almost immediately, experience combines with maturation of the visual cortex to improve the ability to see shapes and then notice details, with vision improving so rapidly that researchers are hard-
As perception builds, visual scanning improves. Thus, 3-
Because binocular vision (coordinating both eyes to see one image) is impossible in the womb (nothing is far enough away to need two eyes), many newborns seem to use their two eyes independently, momentarily appearing wall-
Smelling and TastingThrough the amniotic fluids, infants develop their senses of taste and smell while still in the womb. Schaal and colleagues (2000) found that women who consumed anise-
Some herbs and plants contain natural substances that are medicinal. The foods of a particular culture may aid survival: Bitter foods provide some defence against malaria, spicy ones preserve food and thus work against food poisoning, and so on (Krebs, 2009). Thus, developing a taste for family food may be life-
Adaptation also occurs for the sense of smell. When breastfeeding mothers used a chamomile balm to ease cracked nipples during the first days of their baby’s lives, those babies preferred that smell almost two years later, compared with babies whose mothers used an odourless ointment (Delaunay El-
As babies learn to recognize each person’s scent, they prefer to sleep next to their caregivers, and they nuzzle into their caregivers’ chests—
The most dramatic motor skill (any movement ability) is independent walking; this is one reason why Mrs. Todd was determined that Sarah would walk by the age of 1 year (see the beginning of this chapter). Walking and all other motor skills, from the newborn’s head-
Caregiving and experience matter. Reflexes become skills if they are practised and encouraged. As you saw in the chapter’s beginning, the foundation for Sarah’s walking was laid by Mrs. Todd’s experience and caregiving when Sarah was only a few months old, long before her first step.
Gross Motor SkillsDeliberate actions that coordinate many parts of the body, producing large movements, are called gross motor skills. These emerge directly from reflexes and proceed in a cephalocaudal (head-
Sitting develops gradually, a matter of developing the muscles to steady the top half of the body. By 3 months, most babies can sit propped up in someone’s lap. By 6 months, they can usually sit unsupported. Standing, and then walking, takes longer.
Crawling is another example of this head-
Usually by 5 months or so, they use their arms, and then legs, to inch forward (or backward) on their bellies. Exactly when this occurs depends partly on how much “tummy time” the infant has had, which is affected by culture (Zachry & Kitzmann, 2011).
Between 8 and 10 months after birth, most infants lift their midsections and crawl on “all fours,” coordinating the movements of their hands and knees. Crawling depends on experience as well as maturation. Some normal babies never do it, especially if the floor is cold, hot, or rough, or if they have always lain on their backs (Pin et al., 2007). It is not true that babies must crawl to develop normally.
All babies figure out some way to move before they can walk (inching, bear-
The dynamic systems underlying motor skills have three interacting elements, each illustrated here with an example related to walking.
The first item, muscle strength, may explain why newborns’ innate stepping reflexes disappear. When newborns are held upright, they show well-
The last item in the list, practice, is powerfully affected by caregiving before the first independent step. Some adults spend hours helping infants walk (holding their hands, or the back of their shirts) or providing walkers (dangerous if not supervised).
Once toddlers can walk themselves, at around 1 year old, they practise obsessively, barefoot or not, at home or in stores, on sidewalks or streets, on lawns or in mud. They fall often, but that does not stop them; they average between 500 and 1500 walking steps per hour so that by the end of each day, they have taken 9000 walking steps and travelled the length of 29 football fields (Adolph et al., 2003).
Fine Motor SkillsSmall body movements are called fine motor skills. Finger movements are fine motor skills, enabling humans to write, draw, type, tie, and so on. Movements of the tongue, jaw, lips, and toes are fine movements, too.
Actually, mouth skills precede finger skills by many months (newborns can suck; chewing precedes drawing by a year or more). Every culture encourages finger dexterity, so children practise finger movements. However, mouth skills such as spitting or chewing are not praised.
Regarding hand skills, newborns have a strong reflexive grasp but lack control. During their first 2 months, babies excitedly stare and wave their arms at objects dangling within reach. By 3 months, they can usually touch such objects, but they cannot yet grab and hold on unless an object is placed in their hands, partly because their eye–
By 4 months, infants sometimes grab, but their timing is off: They close their hands too early or too late. Finally, by 6 months, with a concentrated, deliberate stare, most babies can reach, grab, and hold almost any object that is of the right size. Some can even transfer an object from one hand to the other. Almost all can hold a bottle, shake a rattle, and yank a sister’s braids. Once grabbing is possible, babies practise it enthusiastically: “From 6 to 9 months, reaching appears as a quite compulsive behaviour for small objects presented within arm’s reach” (Atkinson & Braddick, 2003).
Toward the end of the first year and throughout the second, finger skills improve, as babies master the pincer movement (using thumb and forefinger to pick up tiny objects) and self-
As with gross motor skills, fine motor skills are shaped by culture and opportunity. For example, infants given “sticky mittens” (with Velcro) that allow grabbing master hand skills sooner than usual. Their perception advances as well (Libertus & Needham, 2010; Soska et al., 2010).
In the second year, grabbing becomes more selective. Toddlers learn when not to pull at a sister’s braids, or Mommy’s earrings, or Daddy’s glasses. However, as you will learn, the curiosity of the “little scientist” may overwhelm this inhibition.
The entire package of sensations and motor skills furthers three goals:
Physiologically, young human infants are, an unusual combination of motor immaturity (they cannot walk for many months), sensory acuteness, and curiosity (Konner, 2010). What a contrast to kittens, for instance, who are born deaf, with eyes sealed shut, and who stay beside their mother although they can walk.
Compare a kitten to a human newborn, listening and looking from day one, eager to practise every motor skill as soon as possible. An amusing example is rolling over. At about 3 months, infants can roll over from their stomach to the back, but not vice versa. Many a baby rolls over, fusses until someone puts him or her stomach down again, and then immediately rolls over again, only to fuss once more.
The most important experiences are perceived with interacting senses and skills, in dynamic systems (see Chapter 1). Breast milk, for instance, is a mild sedative, so the newborn literally feels happier at mother’s breast, connecting that pleasure with taste, touch, smell, and sight. But for all those joys to occur, the infant must actively suck at the nipple (an inborn motor skill, which becomes more efficient with practice).
Similarly, 6-
Piaget named the first two years of cognitive development “sensorimotor” for good reason, as you will soon see. But first, there is one obvious prerequisite for all the growth already described—