5.8 What Have You Learned?

1. How are growth rates, body proportions, and motor skills related during early childhood?

2. Why might lower-income children be more vulnerable to nutritional problems?

3. What factors help children develop their motor skills?

4. Why do public health workers prefer to speak of “injury control” rather than “accident prevention”?

5. What are the six recommendations to reduce the number of deaths among Aboriginal children?

6. What are the differences among the three levels of harm reduction?

7. What changes in the brain’s functioning are evident between ages 2 and 6 years?

8. Why is myelination important for thinking and motor skills?

9. How does the prefrontal cortex affect impulsivity and perseveration?

10. What is the function of the corpus callosum?

11. Why might left-handed children have thicker corpus callosa than right-handed children?

12. What role do the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus play in the expression and regulation of emotions?

13. In what way does symbolic thought advance cognition?

14. What barriers to logic exist at the preoperational stage? How might these affect children’s thinking?

15. According to Vygotsky, what should parents and other caregivers do to encourage children’s learning?

16. How does scaffolding increase a child’s zone of proximal development?

17. What does the idea of theory-theory suggest about how children think?

18. What factors spur the development of theory of mind?

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