Learning is rapid in childhood. Young children’s brains are continually growing and their cognitive abilities become more sophisticated. As you read at the beginning of this chapter, by age 11 some children can beat their elders at chess, while others play music that adults pay to hear, publish poems, or solve complex math problems in their heads. In fact, during these years, children can learn almost anything. Adults need to decide how and what to teach. Theories and practices differ, as you will see.
Piaget called the cognition of middle childhood concrete operational thought, characterized by concepts that enable children to use logic. Operational comes from the Latin word operare, “to work; to produce.”
By calling this period “operational,” Piaget emphasized productive thinking. The 6-
A Hierarchy of CategoriesAn example of concrete thinking is classification, the organization of things into groups (or categories or classes) according to some characteristic that they share. For example, children may sort their building blocks by shapes (squares, triangles, rectangles) or sort their Smarties by colour before eating them. Other common classes are people and animals. Each class includes some elements and excludes others, and each is part of a hierarchy.
Piaget devised many experiments to reveal children’s understanding of classification. For example, in one study, an examiner showed a child a bunch of nine flowers—
ESPECIALLY FOR Teachers How might Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s ideas help in teaching geography to a class of Grade 3 students?
Here are two of the most obvious ways. (1) Use logic. Once children can grasp classification and class inclusion, they can understand cities within provinces, provinces within countries, and countries within continents. Organize your instruction to make logical categorization easier. (2) Make use of children’s need for concrete and personal involvement. You might have the children learn first about their own location, then about the places where relatives and friends live, and finally about places beyond their personal experience (via books, photographs, videos, and guest speakers).
Math ConceptsAnother logical concept is seriation, the understanding that things can be arranged in a logical series, such as from smallest to biggest. Seriation is crucial for using the alphabet or the number sequence (not merely memorizing, which younger children can do). By age 5 years, most children can count up to 100, but they cannot correctly estimate where any particular two-
Concrete operational thinking allows children to understand math operations. For example, once children understand conservation (explained in Chapter 5), they realize that 12 + 3 = 3 + 12, and that 15 is always 15. Reversibility allows the realization that if 5 × 3 = 15, then 15 divided by 3 must be 5.
Although Piaget was mistaken, there is no sudden shift between preoperational and concrete operational logic, his experiments revealed that, after about age 6, children use mental categories and subcategories more flexibly and inductively. They are less egocentric and more advanced as thinkers, and are operational in ways that younger children are not (Meadows, 2006).
Like Piaget, Vygotsky felt that educators should consider thought processes, not just the outcomes. He recognized that younger children are confused by some concepts that older children understand because they have not yet learned to process the ideas.
The Role of InstructionUnlike Piaget, Vygotsky regarded instruction as crucial to cognitive development (Vygotsky, 1934/1994). He thought that experts such as teachers and parents who have more advanced skills and knowledge can help children transition from potential development to actualization. Through the use of guided participation and scaffolding, children move through the zone of proximal development to eventually acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, as explained in Chapters 1 and 5.
Confirmation of the role of social interaction and instruction comes from children who, because of their school’s entry-
Remember that Vygotsky believed education occurs everywhere—
An example of knowledge acquired from the social context comes from children in the northeast Indian district of Varanasi, many of whom have an extraordinary sense of spatial orientation—
This amazing sense of direction, or any other skill learned in childhood, does not automatically transfer from one context to another. The blindfolded children retained their excellent sense of direction in this experiment, but a child from Varanasi might become disoriented in the tangle of mega-
In North America, as in many parts of the world, adults are particularly concerned that 6-
Although low-
In addition, culture affects mentors and methods. This was evident in a study of 80 Mexican-
Researchers compared children from both backgrounds in a study in which children waited passively while a teacher taught their sibling how to make a toy. If they tried to help their brother or sister (more common among the indigenous children), they were prevented from doing so. A week later, the children were given an opportunity to make the toy themselves. The children from indigenous Indian backgrounds were better at it, which emphasizes that they learned more from observation than did the other children.
As you learned in Chapter 1 the information-
Rather than describing broad stages (Piaget) or contexts (Vygotsky), this perspective was inspired by the knowledge of how computers work. As a result, many information-
Connecting Parts of the BrainRecall that the maturing corpus callosum connects the hemispheres of the brain, enabling balance and two-
Increasing maturation results, by 7 or 8 years of age, in a “massively interconnected” brain (Kagan & Herschkowitz, 2005). Such connections are crucial for the complex tasks that children must master (M. H. Johnson et al., 2009). In fact, for many activities, children use more parts of their brains than adults do, thus requiring more connections (M. H. Johnson et al., 2009).
One example of a complex task that children must master is learning to read. Reading is not instinctual: Our ancestors never did it. The brain has no areas dedicated to reading, the way it does for talking, gesturing, or face recognition (Gabrieli, 2009). So, how do humans read without brain-
Interconnections are needed for many social skills as well—
Speed of Thought Reaction time is how long it takes the brain to respond to a stimulus; specifically, how quickly an impulse travels from one neuron to another to allow thinking to occur. Reactions are quicker with each passing year of childhood because increasing myelination and sequences of action reduce reaction time. Speedy reactions allow faster and more efficient learning. For example, school achievement requires quick coordination of multiple tasks within the brain. The result is a child who can listen to the teacher and read notes on the board or the overhead at the same time during a lesson, for example.
Indeed, reaction time relates to every intellectual, motor, and social skill, in school or not. A simple example is being able to kick a speeding soccer ball toward a teammate; a more complex example is being able to determine when to utter a witty remark and when to stay quiet. Young children find both impossible; fast-
Pay AttentionNeurological advances allow children to do more than think quickly. As the brain matures, it allows children to pay special attention to the most important elements of their environment. A crucial step in information processing occurs before conscious awareness, as the brain responds to input by deciding if it merits consideration.
Selective attention is the ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others. This improves markedly at about age 7. Older children learn to notice various stimuli (which is one form of attention) that younger children do not (such as the small difference in the appearance of the letters b, p, and d) and to select the best response when several possibilities conflict (such as when a c sounds like an s or a k) (Rueda et al., 2007).
In the classroom, selective attention allows children to listen, answer questions, and follow instructions for a class activity while ignoring distractions (all difficult at age 6, easier by age 10). At home, children can watch their favourite television show and tune out their parents when they are telling them to clean up their toys (although not for long, since most parents have a way of making themselves heard!).
Indeed, selective attention underlies all the abilities that gradually mature during the formative years. Networks of collaborating cortical regions (M. H. Johnson et al., 2009) are required because attention involves not just one brain function, but three: alerting, orienting, and executive control (Posner et al., 2007).
Learning StrategiesOne of the leaders of the information-
Siegler has shown that a child attempts, ignores, half-
A practical application of the idea that knowledge comes in waves is that children need a lot of practice to master a new idea or strategy. Just because a child says a correct answer one day does not mean that the achievement is permanent. Lapses, earlier mistakes, and momentary insights are all part of the learning process—
MemoryOne foundation of new learning appears to be memory, which allows children to connect various aspects of past knowledge. Memory is now often studied with an information-
Sensory memory (also called the sensory register) is the first component of the human information-
Once some sensations become perceptions, the brain selects those perceptions that are meaningful and transfers them to working memory for further analysis. This is called selective memory, the result of selective attention as just described. It is in working memory (formerly called short-
As Siegler’s waves metaphor suggests, memory strategies do not appear suddenly. Gradual improvement occurs from toddlerhood through adolescence (Schneider & Lockl, 2008) (see TABLE 7.1). Children develop strategies to increase working memory (Camos & Barrouillet, 2011), and they use these strategies occasionally at first, then consistently over time.
Child’s Age | Memory Capabilities |
Under 2 years | Infants remember actions and routines that involve them. Memory is implicit, triggered by sights and sounds (an interactive toy, a caregiver’s voice). |
2- |
Words are now used to encode and retrieve memories. Explicit memory begins, although children do not yet use memory strategies. They remember things by rote (their phone number, nursery rhymes) without truly understanding them. |
5- |
Children realize that some things should be remembered, and they begin to use simple strategies, primarily rehearsal (repeating an item again and again). This is not a very efficient strategy, but with enough repetition, automatization occurs. |
7- |
Children use new strategies if they are taught them. They use visual clues (remembering how a particular spelling word looks) and auditory hints (rhymes, letters), which provide evidence of the development of brain functions called the visual- |
9- |
Memory becomes more adaptive and strategic as children become able to learn various memory techniques from teachers and other children. They can organize material themselves, developing their own memory aids. |
Source: Based on Meadows, 2006. |
Cultural differences are evident here as well, with children learning ways to master whatever their culture expects. For example, many Muslim children are taught to memorize all 80 000 words of the Quran, and they develop strategies to remember long passages—
Finally, information from working memory may be transferred to long-term memory, to store it for minutes, hours, days, months, or years. The capacity of long-
Crucial to long-
ESPECIALLY FOR Teachers How might your understanding of memory help you teach a 2000-
Children this age can be taught strategies for remembering by making links between working memory and long-term memory. You might break down the vocabulary list into word clusters grouped according to root words, make connections to the children’s existing knowledge, use applications, or (as a last resort) focus on first letters or rhymes. Active, social learning is useful; perhaps groups of students could write a story each day that incorporates 15 new words. Each group could read its story aloud to the class.
KnowledgeAs information-
Three factors facilitate increases in the knowledge base: past experience, current opportunity, and personal motivation. Because of motivation, children’s knowledge base is not always what their parents or teachers would like. Lack of motivation helps explain why some students don’t remember what they learned in science class but do remember the scores for their favourite hockey team.
Specific examples of the results of motivation on the knowledge base include that many schoolchildren memorize words and rhythms of hit songs, know plots and characters of television programs, and can recite the names and histories of hockey players—
This provides a clue for teachers: New concepts are learned best if they are connected to personal and emotional experiences (Schneider & Lockl, 2008; Wittrock, 1974/2010). Parents likewise need to do more than tell children what they want them to know; they need to be actively involved with them.
Control ProcessesThe mechanisms that combine memory, processing speed, and the knowledge base are control processes; they regulate the analysis and flow of information within the system. Control processes include emotional regulation (part of impulse control, explained in Chapter 9) and selective attention, explained earlier in this chapter.
Equally important is metacognition, sometimes defined as “thinking about thinking.” Metacognition is the ultimate control process because it allows a person to evaluate a cognitive task, determine how to accomplish it, monitor performance, and then make adjustments.
Metacognition and other control processes improve with age and experience. For instance, in one study, children took a fill-
Control processes can allow knowledge in one domain to transfer to another domain. This is the case for bilingual children, who learn to switch from one language to another. They are advanced not only in language, but also in other measures of executive control (Bialystok, 2010).
Information processing improves spontaneously during childhood, but children can learn explicit strategies and memory methods, as mentioned earlier. TABLE 7.1 notes memory improvements from birth to age 11 years. How much of this improvement involves metacognition? Sometimes teaching of memory is explicit, more so in some countries (e.g., Germany) than in others (e.g., the United States) (Bjorklund et al., 2009). Often children with special needs require help learning control processes (Riccio et al., 2010). Genes matter as well. Children with the long allele of dopamine D4 benefit from knowing how well they are doing in each learning task—