You have just learned that every year of early childhood advances motor skills, brain development, and impulse control. That allows impressive, multi-
preoperational intelligence
Piaget’s term for cognitive development between the ages of about 2 and 6; it includes language and imagination (which involve symbolic thought), but not yet logical, operational thinking.
Preoperational intelligence is the second of Piaget’s four periods of cognitive development (described in Table 1.6). He used the prefix pre-
symbolic thought
A major accomplishment of preoperational intelligence that children can think symbolically, understanding that words can refer to things not seen and that an item, such as a flag, can symbolize something else (in this case, a country).
Because they are no longer simply sensorimotor, however, young children have language. Knowing words enables symbolic thought, when an object or word can stand for something else, including something out of sight or imagined. Words are used to symbolize an object or action; a child can talk about a dog without seeing the actual dog.
The belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive in the way that humans are, as in a rock having emotions and a spirit.
Symbolic thought helps explain animism, the belief of many young children that natural objects (such as a tree or a cloud) are alive and that nonhuman animals have the same characteristics as the child. Many children’s stories include animals or objects that talk and listen (Aesop’s fables, Winnie-
OBSTACLES TO LOGIC Piaget noted four limitations that make logic difficult and thus make children preoperational until about age 6. These four are centration, appearance, static reasoning, and irreversibility.
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child focuses (centers) on one idea, excluding all others.
Piaget’s term for children’s tendency to think about other people and their own experiences as if everything revolves around them.
Centration is the tendency to focus (to center) on only one aspect of a situation. Young children may, for example, insist that Daddy is a father, not a brother, because they center on the role that he fills for them. The daddy example illustrates a particular type of centration that Piaget called egocentrism—literally, “self-
Egocentrism is not selfishness. I encountered this with my daughter Sarah, when she was 3. We were holding hands and crossing a street.
Sarah: If a car killed one of us, who would you want it to be?
Me: Me.
Sarah: I would want it to be me.
Before I could appreciate what seemed to be her unselfishness, she matter-
Sarah: Because if you were dead, I wouldn’t know how to get home.
focus on appearance
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child assumes that the visible appearance of someone or something is also their essence.
A second characteristic of preoperational thought is a focus on appearance to the exclusion of other attributes. For instance, a girl given a short haircut might worry that she has turned into a boy. In preoperational thought, a thing is whatever it appears to be—
static reasoning
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child thinks that nothing changes. Whatever is now has always been and always will be.
Third, preoperational children use static reasoning. ?They believe that the world is stable, unchanging, always in the state in which they currently encounter it. Many children cannot imagine that their own parents were ever children.
If they grasp that their grandmother is their mother’s mother because they are repeatedly told, they still cannot imagine how the parent–
A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child thinks that nothing can be restored to the way it was before a change occurred.
The fourth characteristic of preoperational thought is irreversibility. Preoperational thinkers fail to recognize that reversing a process sometimes restores whatever existed before. A young girl might cry because her mother put lettuce on her sandwich, rejecting it after the lettuce is removed because she believes that what is done cannot be undone.
The principle that the amount of a substance remains the same (i.e., is conserved) even when its appearance changes.
CONSERVATION AND LOGIC Piaget demonstrated several ways in which preoperational intelligence disregards logic. A famous set of experiments involved conservation, the notion that the amount of something remains the same (is conserved) despite changes in its appearance.
The classic test of conservation begins with two identical glasses containing the same amount of liquid. Then the liquid from one glass is poured into a taller, narrower glass. Ask a child whether one glass contains more or both glasses contain the same. Preoperational children insist that the narrow glass (with the higher level) has more. (Figure 5.4 shows other examples.)
All four characteristics of preoperational thought are evident in this mistake. Young children fail to understand conservation because they focus (center) on what they see (appearance), noticing only the immediate (static) condition. It does not occur to them that they could reverse the process and re-
Piaget’s original tests of conservation required children to respond verbally to adult questions. Later research has found that when the tests are simplified or made playful, young children may succeed, perhaps indicating via eye movements or gestures what they know before they put it in words (Goldin-
Video Activity: Achieving Conservation focuses on the changes in thinking that make it possible for older children to pass Piaget’s conservation-
As with sensorimotor intelligence, Piaget underestimated preoperational children. Brain scans, video responses measured in milliseconds, and modern computer analysis were not available to Piaget. Although he was perceptive about children’s thinking, recent studies show much more early intellectual activity than Piaget described (Crone & Ridderinkhof, 2011).
Conservation and many more logical ideas are understood bit by bit, with active curiosity. Glimmers of understanding are apparent even at age 4 (Sophian, 2013). But preschoolers’ social network is limited. They rely heavily on their own experience, on their parents, and on simple rules governing behavior (Lane & Harris, 2014). Because of their cognitive limits, smart 3-
Stones in the Belly
As my grandson and I were reading a book about dinosaurs, 3-
I was amazed, never having known this before.
“I didn’t know that dinosaurs ate stones,” I said.
“They don’t eat them.”
“Then how do they get the stones in their bellies? They must swallow them.”
“They don’t eat them.”
“Then how do they get in their bellies?”
“They are just there.”
“How did they get there?”
“They don’t eat them,” said Caleb. “Stones are dirty. We don’t eat them.”
I dropped it, but my question apparently puzzled him. Later he asked his mother, “Do dinosaurs eat stones?”
“Yes, they eat stones so they can grind their food,” she answered.
At that, Caleb was quiet.
In all of this, preoperational cognition is evident. Caleb is advanced in symbolic thought: He can name several kinds of dinosaurs. But logic eludes him. He is preoperational, not operational.
It seemed obvious to me that dinosaurs must have swallowed the stones. However, in his static thinking, Caleb said the stones “are just there.”
He is egocentric, reasoning from his own experience, and animistic, in that he thinks animals would not eat stones because he does not. He trusts his mother more than me, and she told him never to eat stones, or sand from the sandbox, or food that fell on the floor. He would not trust anyone who, contrary to his mother’s prohibition told him to eat those things. Consequently, he did not accept my authority: The implications of my relationship to his mother are beyond his static thinking.
But, like many young children, he is curious, and my question raised his curiosity. He consulted his authority, my daughter.
Should he have told me that I was right? He did not. That would have required far more understanding of reversibility and far less egocentrism than most young children can muster.
For decades, scientists were understandably awed by Piaget. His description of egocentrism and magical thinking was confirmed daily by anecdotes of young children’s behavior. For Western developmentalists, Vygotsky, who wrote in Russian, was unknown until about 1970 when translations began to appear.
Vygotsky emphasized another side of early cognition, the social aspects. He stressed the power of culture, acknowledging that “the culturally specific nature of experience is an integral part of how the person thinks and acts” (Gauvain et al., 2011, pp. 122–
Someone who teaches or guides someone else, helping a learner master a skill or body of knowledge.
MENTORS AND SCAFFOLDING Vygotsky agreed with Piaget that children are curious and observant. They ask questions—
What three sociocultural factors make it likely that the child pictured to the left will learn?
Motivation (this father and son are from Spain, where yellow running shoes are popular), human relationships (note the physical touching of father and son), and materials (the long laces make tying them easier).
According to Vygotsky, “What children can do with the assistance of others might be in some sense even more indicative of their mental development than what they can do alone” (1980, p. 85). Indeed, mentors:
Present challenges.
Offer assistance (without taking over).
Add crucial information.
Encourage motivation.
zone of proximal development (ZPD)
In sociocultural theory, a metaphorical area, or “zone,” surrounding a learner that includes all the skills, knowledge, and concepts that the person is close (“proximal”) to acquiring but cannot yet master without help.
Temporary support that is tailored to a learner’s needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner take the next step in learning something.
A skilled mentor finds the learner’s zone of proximal development (ZPD), an intellectual arena in which new ideas and skills can be mastered. Proximal means “near,” so the ZPD includes whatever ideas children are close to understanding and skills they can almost master. Mentors provide scaffolding, or temporary support, to help learners within their zone.
Is the girl right-
For instance, scaffolding may include telling children to look both ways before crossing the street (while holding the child’s hand) or letting them stir the cake batter (while covering the child’s hand on the spoon handle, in guided participation). Crucial is joint engagement, with novice and mentor together in the learning zone (Adamson et al., 2014).
As always, culture is crucial. Consider book-
Comparative research finds that parents choose books carefully and then teach whatever is important to them. For example, one study found that, compared to European Americans, Chinese American parents were more likely to note how the book’s characters created problems by misbehaving and Mexican Americans were more likely to highlight the characters’ emotions (Luo et al., 2014).
As good mentors, parents adjust their reading to meet the developmental age of the child, first expanding vocabulary, then focusing on letters, and always listening to the child (Sénéchal & LeFevre, 2014).
When a person imitates an action too slavishly and unnecessarily. Overimitation is common among 2-
OVERIMITATION Sometimes scaffolding is inadvertent, as when children observe something said or done that adults wish they had not noticed. Young children may curse and kick because someone else showed them. More benignly, children imitate meaningless habits and customs, a trait called overimitation. This stems from the child’s eagerness to learn, allowing “rapid, high-
Overimitation was demonstrated in a series of experiments with 3-
Australian adults often scaffold for children with words and actions, but San adults rarely do. The researchers expected the Australian children to follow adult demonstrations. They were surprised when San children did so also.
In part of the study, one by one some children in each group observed an adult perform irrelevant actions, such as waving a red stick above a box three times and then using that stick to push down a knob to open the box, which could be easily and more efficiently opened by pulling down the same knob by hand. Then children were given the stick and the box. No matter what their cultural background, the children followed the adult example, waving the stick three times and not using their hands directly on the knob.
Other children did not see the demonstration. When they were given the stick and asked to open the box, they simply pulled the knob. Then they observed an adult open the box with stick-
In this study, the researchers found that the urban and aboriginal Australian children followed the procedures they had just seen when given a new, similar task. The San children did not immediately apply what they had just learned, perhaps because the circumstances of their daily life (which the researchers called “dire and depressing”) taught them not to do anything on their own (Nielsen et al., 2014). Or perhaps the power of their culture was so strong that they did not choose to follow the odd new procedures.
Either way, Vygotsky’s stress on social context is confirmed.
Piaget and Vygotsky both recognized that from birth on people strive to understand their world. No contemporary developmental scientist doubts that. How exactly do children acquire their impressive knowledge? Part of the answer is that children do more than master words and ideas; they develop theories to help them understand and remember (Baron-
The idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by constructing theories.
We are perpetually driven to look for deeper explanations of our experience, and broader and more reliable predictions about it…. Children seem, quite literally, to be born with … the desire to understand the world and the desire to discover how to behave in it.
[Gopnik, 2001, p. 66]
New bits of knowledge and observations are used to make sense of experiences. Children revise their theories as new evidence accumulates (Meltzoff & Gopnik, 2013).
In order to develop a theory about what causes what and why, children notice how often a particular event occurs. They follow the same processes that scientists do: asking questions, developing hypotheses, gathering data, and drawing conclusions.
Of course, their methods lack the rigor of scientific experiments, but they explore physics, biology, and the social sciences: “infants and young children not only detect statistical patterns, they use those patterns to test hypotheses about people and things” (Gopnik, 2012, p. 1625).
Some children seem always to ask why, why, why. From the answers they develop theories. This is particularly evident in children’s understanding of God. One child thought his grandpa died because God was lonely; another thought thunder occurred because God was rearranging the furniture in heaven.
As you see, a child’s conclusions are not always correct. Egocentric young children theorize that everyone operates as they themselves do. Since they see themselves as always the same (static), yet they realize that their behavior changes depending on circumstances, they overestimate the role of context, and underestimate the role of personality, for other people as well.
That explains the results of a series of experiments in which children observe that one puppet refuses to play on a trampoline or ride a bicycle and another puppet does both. Four-
One common theory-
This illustrates a general principle: Children theorize about intentions before they imitate what they see. As you have read, when children saw an adult wave a stick before opening a box, the children theorized that, since the adult did it deliberately, stick-
THEORY OF MIND Mental processes—
Adults wonder why people fall in love with the particular persons they do, why they vote for the candidates whose policies would hurt them, or why they make foolish choices—
theory of mind
A person’s theory of what other people might be thinking. Children gradually realize that other people do not always know and think what they themselves do.
To understand what another person thinks, people develop a theory of mind, a hypothesis about what other people think and feel. Theory of mind is “essential in communities that rely heavily on the exchange of information, ideas, and points of view” (Lillard & Kavanaugh, 2014, p. 1535). That makes theory of mind crucial for human society in most places.
Theory of mind develops slowly in young children, typically emerging at about age 4 (Carlson et al., 2013). Some aspects of theory of mind develop sooner, and some later. Generally, the preschool years begin with 2-
In one of dozens of false-
When Max returns, the child is asked, “Where will Max look for the dog?” Most 3-
Video: Theory of Mind: False-
The development of theory of mind can be seen when young children try to escape punishment by lying. Their face often betrays them: worried or shifting eyes, pursed lips, and so on. Parents sometimes say, “I know when you are lying,” and, to the consternation of most 3-
In one experiment, 247 children, aged 3 to 5, were left alone at a table that had an upside-
For 142 children (57 percent), curiosity overcame obedience. They peeked, spilling so many candies onto the table that they could not put them back under the cup. The examiner returned, asking how the candies got on the table. Only one-
The rest lied, and their skill increased with their age. The 3-
This particular study was done in Beijing, China, but the results are universal: Older children are better liars. Beyond the age differences, the experimenters found that the more logical liars were also more advanced in theory of mind (Evans et al., 2011).
Many studies have found that a child’s ability to develop theories correlates with activity in several areas of the brain (Koster-
More evidence comes from the same 3-
This is a common measure of executive function. When compared to other children who were the same age, those who failed the day–
Of course, many egocentric children convince themselves that something is true when it is not—
Witness to a Crime
One application of early cognitive competency has received attention from lawyers and judges. Children may be the only witnesses to crimes, especially of sexual abuse or of serious domestic violence. Can their accounts be trusted? Adults have gone to extremes in answering this question. As one legal discussion begins:
Perhaps as a result of the collective guilt caused by disbelieving the true victims of abuse, there presently exists an unwavering conviction that a young child is incapable of fabricating a story of abuse, even when the tale of mistreatment is inherently incredible.
[Shanks, 2011, p. 517]
As this quote implies, in past years children were never believed, then always believed, but neither extreme is accurate.
The answer to the question, “Can their accounts be trusted?” is: “Sometimes.” People of all ages remember and misremember (Frenda et al., 2011; Lyons et al., 2010). Each age group misremembers in particular ways.
Younger children are sometimes more accurate than older witnesses who are influenced by prejudice and stereotypes (Brainerd et al., 2008). However, young children may confuse time, place, person, and action. They want to please adults, and they may lie to do so. With this in mind, developmental psychologists have developed many research-
Words and expressions can plant false ideas in young children’s minds, either deliberately (as an abuser might) or inadvertently (as a fearful parent might). Children’s shaky grasp of reality makes them vulnerable to scaffolding memories that are imagined, not experienced (Bruck et al., 2006). This happened tragically 35 years ago. Some adults leapt to the conclusion that sexual abuse was rampant in preschools, and they set out to prove it.
For instance, biased questioning led 3-
With sexual abuse in particular, a child might believe that some lewd act is OK if an adult says so. Only years later does the victim realize that it was abuse. Research on adult memory finds that adults may reinterpret what happened to them, with genuine memories of experiences that were criminal. However, people of all ages sometimes believe that an event, including abuse, occurred when it did not (Geraerts et al., 2009).
At every age, stress may scramble cognition. There is “extensive evidence of the disruptive impacts of toxic stress” (Shonkoff et al., 2012). Early in life, massive stress hormones may flood the brain and destroy part of the hippocampus, leading to permanent deficits in learning and health, causing major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, attention-
Generally, a balance between arousal and reassurance is needed. For instance, if children are witnesses to a crime (a stressful experience), a child’s memory is more accurate when an interviewer is warm and attentive, listening carefully but not suggesting some answers instead of others (Teoh & Lamb, 2013).
When children are witnesses, they should simply be asked to tell what happened, perhaps with eyes closed to reduce their natural attempt to please (Kyriakidou et al., 2014). A stressful experience may be remembered accurately if the child’s hippocampus is not damaged. No one, at any age, should be either automatically believed or disbelieved.
1. How does preoperational thought differ from sensorimotor and from concrete operational thought?
Preoperational thought is Piaget’s term for cognitive development between the ages of 2 and 6; it includes language and imagination (which involve symbolic thought), but not yet logical, operational thinking. Sensorimotor thought occurs between birth and age 2; infants use senses and motor abilities to understand the world; learning is active, and there is no conceptual or reflective thought. Concrete operational thought happens between 6 and 11 years of age, where children understand and apply logical operations to interpret experiences objectively and rationally.
2. What barriers to logic exist at the preoperational stage?
Piaget noted four limitations that make logic difficult during this stage: centration, appearance, static reasoning, and irreversibility.
3. According to Vygotsky, what should parents and other caregivers do to encourage children’s learning?
Parents and other caregivers should be mentors to children, providing guidance by presenting challenges, offering assistance (without taking over), adding crucial information, and encouraging motivation.
4. How does scaffolding relate to a child’s zone of proximal development?
The zone of proximal development is an intellectual arena that includes the skills, knowledge, and concepts that a person is close to acquiring but cannot yet master without help. Scaffolding is temporary support that is tailed to a learner’s needs and abilities and aimed at helping the learner take the next step in learning something.
5. What evidence is there that children overimitate?
Overimitation was demonstrated in a series of experiments with 3-
6. What aspects of children’s thought does theory-
7. Before developing theory of mind, what do young children think about other people’s knowledge and emotions?
Children won’t have any hypothesis about how others may think or feel if they haven’t developed theory of mind.
8. How does theory of mind help a child interact with other people?
Theory of mind gives children the ability to exchange information, ideas, and points of view. It is crucial for most human societies.
9. What is surprising about the way children sort pictures by shape and by color?
When asked to play “the shape game,” the children still sorted by color (as they had done during the color sorting game). Something in the brain matures at about age 4 that enables children to switch from one way of sorting objects to another.