Grade | Reading and Writing | Math |
Kindergarten | Pronounce the primary sound for each consonant | Know number names and the count sequence |
First | Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words | Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting 2 more to add 2) |
Second | Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes | Measure the length of an object twice, using different units of length for the two measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen |
Third | Decode multisyllabic words | Understand division as an unknown-factor problem; for example, find 32 + 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8 |
Fourth | Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllable patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context | Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number |
Fifth | With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach | Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems |
Source: National Governors Association, 2010. |