Table : TABLE 3.2Common Abnormalities Involving the Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomal PatternPhysical AppearancePsychological CharacteristicsIncidence*
XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome)Males. Usual male characteristics at puberty do not develop—penis does not grow, voice does not deepen. Usually sterile. Breasts may develop.Can have some learning disabilities, especially in language skills.1 in 700 males
XYY (Jacob’s Syndrome)Males. Typically tall.Risk of intellectual impairment, especially in language skills.1 in 1,000 males
XXX (Triple X Syndrome)Females. Normal Appearance.Impaired in most intellectual skills.1 in 500 females
XO (only one sex chromosome) (Turner Syndrome)Females. Short, often “webbed” neck. Secondary sex characteristics (breasts, menstruation) do not develop.Some learning disabilities, especially related to math and spatial understanding; difficulty recognizing facial expressions of emotion.1 in 2,000 females
*Incidence is approximate at birth.
Source: Hamerton & Evans, 2005; Aksglaede et al., 2013; Powell, 2013; Stocholm et al., 2013