Odds of Down Syndrome by Maternal Age and Gestational Age

The odds of any given fetus, near the end of the first trimester, having three chromosomes at the 21st site (trisomy-21) and thus having Down syndrome are shown in the 10-weeks column. These data were collected before widespread prenatal testing and induced abortion. As you see, almost half of all Down syndrome fetuses are spontaneously aborted. Also note that the odds of Down syndrome increase steadily with the age of the mother. Nonetheless, even for women giving birth in their 40s, most newborns do not have chromosomal abnormalities.

Mother’s age (yrs) Weeks of 10 Gestation 35 Live Births
20 1/804 1/1,464 1/1,527
21 1/793 1/1,445 1/1,507
22 1/780 1/1,421 1/1,482
23 1/762 1/1,389 1/1,448
24 1/740 1/1,348 1/1,406
25 1/712 1/1,297 1/1,352
26 1/677 1/1,233 1/1,286
27 1/635 1/1,157 1/1,206
28 1/586 1/1,068 1/1,113
29 1/531 1/967 1/1,008
30 1/471 1/858 1/895
31 1/409 1/745 1/776
32 1/347 1/632 1/659
33 1/288 1/525 1/547
34 1/235 1/427 1/446
35 1/187 1/342 1/356
36 1/148 1/269 1/280
37 1/115 1/209 1/218
38 1/88 1/160 1/167
39 1/67 1/122 1/128
40 1/51 1/93 1/97
41 1/38 1/70 1/73
42 1/29 1/52 1/55
43 1/21 1/39 1/41
44 1/16 1/29 1/30
Source: Snijders & Nicolaides, 1996.
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