How might protective optimism lead to a child’s acquisition of new skills and competencies?
What is an example of an intrinsic motivation and an extrinsic motivation for reading a book?
What is the connection between psychopathology and emotional regulation?
In what ways might playing with peers teach emotional regulation, empathy, and cultural understanding?
How does culture affect the development of social play?
Why might children’s muscle strength and control develop better when playing with peers than when playing alone?
What do children learn from rough-
What do children learn from sociodramatic play?
Which parenting style seems to promote the happiest, most successful children?
Why do American childhood professionals advise limitations on electronic media for young children?
What does psychoanalytic theory say about the origins of sex differences and gender roles?
What do behaviorists say about the origins of sex differences and gender roles?
How does evolutionary theory explain why children follow gender norms?
What did Piaget believe about the moral development of children?
How might evolutionary theory explain moral development?
What is the nature perspective on how people develop morals? What is the nurture perspective?
How might children develop empathy and antipathy as they play with one another?
What is the connection between empathy and prosocial behavior?
What are the four kinds of aggression?
How does moral development relate to discipline?
Why have many nations made corporal punishment illegal?
How might a parent use timeout as an effective form of discipline?
What are the benefits of induction as a form of discipline? What are its challenges?