Recall that emotional regulation, theory of mind, and left–
Increasing maturation results “by 7 or 8 years of age, in a massively interconnected brain” (Kagan & Herschkowitz, 2005, p. 220). Such connections are crucial for the complex tasks that children must master, which require “smooth coordination of large numbers of neurons (Stern, 2013, p. 577). One example is learning to read, perhaps the most important intellectual accomplishment of the school-
How do humans read without brain-
Those massive interconnections are needed for many social skills as well—
The prefrontal cortex takes decades to mature. For children who want to be rocket scientists, billionaire stock analysts, or brain surgeons, connecting those distant goals with current behavior or social reality is not yet possible. Nonetheless, connections between one part of the brain and another may be crucial because some neuroscientists believe that “social or linguistic disorders could be caused by disruptions in the pathways” of brain connections, not in the neurons themselves (Minogue, 2010, p. 747).
reaction time The time it takes to respond to a stimulus, either physically (with a reflexive movement such as an eyeblink) or cognitively (with a thought).
Advance planning and impulse control are aided by faster reaction time, which is how long it takes to respond to a stimulus. Increasing myelination reduces reaction time every year from birth until about age 16.
selective attention The ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others.
A simple example is being able to kick a speeding soccer ball toward a teammate; a more complex example is being able to calculate when to utter a witty remark and when to stay quiet. That depends on four quick reactions, not only (1) to realize that a comment could be made and (2) to decide what it could be, but also (3) to think about the other person’s possible response, and in that split second (4) to realize when something should NOT be said.
Neurological advances allow children not only to process information quickly but also to pay special heed to the most important elements of their environment. Selective attention, the ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others, improves markedly at about age 7. School-
In the classroom, selective attention allows children to listen, take concise notes, and ignore distractions (all difficult at age 6, easier by age 10). In the din of the cafeteria, children can understand one another’s gestures and expressions and respond. On the baseball diamond, older batters ignore the other team’s attempts to distract them, and fielders start moving into position as soon as the bat hits a ball.
Indeed, selective attention underlies all the abilities that gradually mature during the school years. “Networks of collaborating cortical regions” (M. H. Johnson et al., 2009, p. 151) are required.
automatization A process in which repetition of a sequence of thoughts and actions makes the sequence routine, so that it no longer requires conscious thought.
One final advance in brain function in middle childhood is automatization, the process by which a sequence of thoughts and actions is repeated until it becomes automatic and routine. At first, almost all behaviors under conscious control require careful thought. After many repetitions, as neurons fire in sequence, actions become automatic and patterned. Less thinking is needed because the firing of one neuron sets off a chain reaction: That is automatization.
Consider again learning to read. At first, eyes (sometimes aided by a guiding finger) focus intensely, painstakingly making out letters and sounding out each one. This leads to the perception of syllables and then words. Eventually, the process becomes so automatic that, for instance, as you read this text, automatization allows you to concentrate on concepts without thinking about the letters, and as you drive down the highway, you read billboards that you do not want to read.
Automatization aids every skill. Learning to speak a second language, to recite the multiplication tables, and to write one’s name are all slow at first but gradually become automatic. Habits and routines learned in childhood are useful lifelong—
In ancient times, if adults were strong and fertile, that was usually enough. A few wise men were admired, but most people were not expected to think quickly and profoundly. By the twentieth century, however, a stupid person, even if strong and fertile, was less admired. Because intelligence became increasingly significant, many ways to measure it were developed. As you will see, no method is considered completely accurate.
aptitude The potential to master a specific skill or to learn a certain body of knowledge.
IQ test A test designed to measure intellectual aptitude, or ability to learn in school. Originally, intelligence was defined as mental age divided by chronological age, times 100—
In theory, aptitude is the potential to master a specific skill or to learn a certain body of knowledge. The brain functions just described—
Originally, an IQ score was literally an Intelligence Quotient: Mental age (the average chronological age of children who attained a particular score on an IQ tests) was divided by a particular child’s chronological age, and the result of that division (the quotient) was multiplied by 100. Obviously, if a child’s mental age was the same as that child’s chronological age, the quotient would be 1. In that case, the child’s IQ would be 100, exactly average for children of that age.
Thus, the IQ of a 6-
× 100, or 133. The current method of calculating IQ is more complex, but an IQ within one standard deviation of 100 (between 85 and 115) is still considered average (see Figure 11.4).
Observation Quiz If a person’s IQ is 110, what category is he or she in?
Answer to Observation Quiz: He or she is average. Anyone with a score between 85 and 115 has an average IQ.
achievement test A measure of mastery or proficiency in reading, mathematics, writing, science, or some other subject.
In theory, achievement is what has actually been learned, not potential (aptitude). Achievement tests in school compare scores to norms established for each grade. For example, third-
Note, however, that children who read at the third-
The words in theory precede the definitions of aptitude and achievement tests because, although potential and accomplishment are supposed to be distinct, the data find substantial overlap. IQ and achievement scores are strongly correlated for individuals, for groups of children, and for nations (Lynn & Mikk, 2007).
Flynn effect The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations.
It was once assumed that aptitude was a fixed characteristic, present at birth. Longitudinal data show that this is not the case. Young children with a low IQ can become above average or even gifted adults, like my nephew David (discussed in Chapter 1). Indeed, the average IQ scores of entire nations have risen substantially every decade for the past century—
Most psychologists now agree that the brain is like a muscle, affected by mental exercise—
The idea that intelligence changes over the years is now accepted by almost every expert, whether or not they believe there is such a thing as g, general intelligence. During middle childhood, speed of thought is particularly crucial for high IQ, with working memory also a foundation for intelligence (Demetriou et al., 2013). Both speed and memory are affected by experience.
The reality that scores change over time makes IQ tests much less definitive than they were once thought to be. A more fundamental question is whether any single test can measure the complexities of the human brain. This criticism has been targeted particularly at IQ tests, because those tests assume that there is g, one general aptitude. According to some experts, children instead inherit many abilities, some high and some low, rather than any g (e.g., Q. Zhu et al., 2010).
multiple intelligences The idea that human intelligence is composed of a varied set of abilities rather than a single, all-
Two leading developmentalists (Sternberg and Gardner) are among those who believe that humans have multiple intelligences, not just one. [Lifespan Link: Sternberg’s three intelligences are discussed in Chapter 21.] Gardner’s concepts are directly relevant to middle childhood, because these concepts influence the curriculum in many primary schools. For instance, children might be allowed to demonstrate their understanding of a historical event via a poster with drawings, not a paper with a bibliography.
Especially for Teachers What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Gardner’s nine intelligences to guide your classroom curriculum?
Response for Teachers: The advantages are that all the children learn more aspects of human knowledge and that many children can develop their talents. Art, music, and sports should be an integral part of education, not just a break from academics. The disadvantage is that they take time and attention away from reading and math, which might lead to less proficiency in those subjects on standard tests and thus to criticism from parents and supervisors.
Gardner originally described seven intelligences: linguistic, logical-
Although every normal person has some of all nine intelligences, Gardner believes each individual excels in particular ones. For example, someone might be gifted spatially but not linguistically (a visual artist who cannot describe her work) or might have interpersonal but not naturalistic intelligence (an astute clinical psychologist whose houseplants die).
Gardner finds that cultures and families dampen or encourage particular intelligences. For instance, a child who is gifted musically and grows up in a family of musicians is more likely to develop musical intelligence than a child whose parents are tone deaf.
Another criticism of the IQ test arises from multicultural understanding. Every test reflects the culture of the people who create, administer, and take it. This is obviously true for achievement tests: A child may score low because of the school, the teacher, the family, or the culture, not because of ability. Indeed, one reason IQ tests are still used is that achievement tests do not necessarily reflect aptitude.
However, scores on aptitude tests are also influenced by culture. Some experts have tried to develop tests that are culture-
Even with such tests, culture is relevant. One group reports that Sudanese children averaged 40 points lower when IQ tests required that they use a pencil to write answers. The reason: They had no experience with pencils (Wicherts et al., 2010). By contrast, most American children begin using markers before age 2; by school age, automatization allows them to write without thinking about how to hold and push a writing implement. Even such a crucial aspect of testing as answering questions from a stranger is culturally biased.
One way to indicate aptitude is to measure the brain directly, avoiding the pitfalls of written exams or individual questions. Neurological measures do not necessarily correlate with written IQ tests, which leads some neuroscientists to consider IQ scores inaccurate. Yet interpretation of brain scans is not straightforward either. For example, although it seems logical that less brain activity means less intelligence, such a conclusion is mistaken.
In fact, many areas of a young child’s brain are activated simultaneously, and then, with practice, automatization reduces the need for brain activity, so the smartest children might have less active brains. Some research finds that a thick cortex correlates with higher ability but also that thickness develops more slowly in gifted children (Karama et al., 2009; Miller, 2006). Further, brain patterns in children who are highly creative differ from those who are highly intelligent (Jung & Ryman, 2013). The gifted patterns are puzzling—
Neuroscientists agree, however, on three conclusions:
This leads to the final topic of this chapter, children with special needs.
During middle childhood, neurological maturation allows faster, more automatic reactions. Selective attention enables focused concentration in school and in play. Aptitude tests, including IQ tests, compare mental age to chronological age, while actual learning is measured by achievement tests.
IQ scores change much more than was originally imagined, as children and cultures adapt to changing contexts. Some scientists believe that certain abilities, perhaps speed of thought and working memory, undergird general intelligence, known as g.
The concept that intelligence arises from one underlying aptitude is challenged by several scientists who believe that people have not just one type of intelligence but multiple intelligences. Further challenges to traditional IQ tests come from social scientists, who find marked cultural differences in what children are taught to do, and from neuroscientists, who see that brain activity does not reliably correlate with IQ scores.