What are the first visible signs of puberty?
What body parts of a teenage boy or girl are the last to reach full growth?
How do hormones affect the physical and psychological aspects of puberty?
Why do adolescents experience sudden, intense emotions?
Why is eveningness a particular problem during adolescence?
Why might some high schools decide to adopt later start times?
What are the gender differences in the growth spurt?
What are the ethnic and cultural differences in the timing of the changes of puberty?
How would society be affected if puberty occurred for everyone a few years later?
Why is early puberty more difficult for girls than for boys?
Why is late puberty more difficult for boys than for girls?
What is the pattern of growth in adolescent bodies?
What problems result from the growth spurt sequence (weight/height/muscles)?
Why are young adolescents particularly vulnerable to bone fractures?
Why are most adolescents unhappy with their appearance?
Why would anyone voluntarily starve herself or himself to death?
Why would anyone make herself or himself throw up?
What problems might occur if adolescents do not get enough iron or calcium?
Since adolescents have quicker reflexes and better vision than adults, why are they more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than from any other cause?
How might the timing of brain maturation during adolescence create problems?
In what ways is adolescent brain functioning better than adult brain functioning?
What is the crucial difference between primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics? Give examples of each.
Why is adolescent sexuality more hazardous now than it was five decades ago?
Among sexually active people, why do adolescents have more STIs than adults?
What are positive changes in adolescent sexuality over the past five decades?
What are some long-