How does adolescent egocentrism differ from early childhood egocentrism?
What are the main perceptions that arise from belief in the imaginary audience?
Why are the personal fable and the invincibility fable called “fables”?
How does formal operational thinking differ from concrete operational thinking?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using inductive rather than deductive reasoning??
How certain are contemporary developmentalists that Piaget accurately described adolescent cognition?
When might intuition and analysis lead to contrasting conclusions?
What mode of thinking—
How does personal experience increase the probability of base rate neglect?
How does egocentrism account for the clashing priorities of parents and adolescents?
When is intuitive thinking better than analytic thinking?
What benefits come from adolescents’ use of technology?
How do video games affect student learning?
Who is most apt and least apt likely to be involved in cyberbullying?
Why have most junior high schools disappeared?
What characteristics of middle schools make them more difficult for students than elementary schools?
How does being a young adolescent affect a person’s ability to learn?
How do individual beliefs about intelligence affect motivation and learning?
Why are school transitions a particular concern for educators?
Why is the first year of attendance at a new school more stressful than the second year?
How are educational standards changing in the United States?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-
How does the PISA differ from other international tests?
How does having students with strong school achievement advance a nation’s economy?