Why is maximum physical strength usually attained in emerging adulthood?
How are homeostasis and allostasis apparent in the human need for nutrition?
How does organ reserve protect against heart attacks?
What advantages do emerging adults have in their physical appearance?
Why is the nutrition of emerging adults often better than that of other adults?
How does exercise in early adulthood affect a person’s health in late adulthood?
What cohort differences are evident in people’s attitudes toward premarital sex?
Why do so few 20-
Biologically, what is the best age to have a baby?
Why are STIs more common today than they were 50 years ago?
What is the usual pattern of well-
Why do depressed people tend not to seek help?
What is one common anxiety disorder in the United States?
What evidence suggests that schizophrenia is not based solely on genes?
What are the social benefits of risk-
Why are risk sports more attractive to emerging adults than to other adults?
Why are serious accidents more common during emerging adulthood than later in adulthood?
Who is more likely to abuse drugs: college students or emerging adults who are not in college?
How does addiction differ from drug abuse?
Why are social norms particularly powerful in emerging adulthood?