Why did scholars choose the term postformal to describe the fifth stage of cognition?
How does postformal thinking differ from typical adolescent thought?
Why is time management a cognitive issue?
How does delay discounting relate to eating or exercising?
How does the maturation of the prefrontal cortex affect social understanding?
What is the relationship between subjective and objective thought?
How does listening to opposing opinions demonstrate cognitive flexibility?
How could stereotype threat affect a person’s cognition?
Which groups of people are vulnerable to stereotype threat and why?
Why does the term “broken home” indicate a lack of dialectical thought?
What differences are apparent in characteristically Asian and Western thinking?
Why do adults make more decisions involving morality than adolescents do?
Why do people disagree about whether or not something is a moral issue?
How does Carol Gilligan differentiate between male and female morality?
Why would decisions about reproduction be a catalyst for moral thought?
How are Fowler’s stages similar to Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s stages?
Why might a devout person criticize Fowler’s concept of the stages of faith?
What do most students hope to gain from a college education?
According to Perry, what changes occur in students’ thinking during their college career?
How do current college enrollment patterns differ from those of 50 years ago?
How do public and private colleges differ in the United States?