What are the five steps of the scientific method?
What basic question is at the heart of the nature–nurture controversy?
What are the concepts of discontinuity and of continuity?
Why is development said to be multicontextual?
Which components of the exosystem affect your life today?
What causes cohort differences between you and your parents?
What is a social construction and what is an example of one?
Define guided participation as described by Vygotsky.
What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
How do both specialization and multidisciplinary research add to our understanding of a topic?
What is the difference between “genetic” and “epigenetic”?
In what two ways is human development plastic?
Why is human development described as dynamic?
What is the concept of “differential sensitivity”?
Explain the following statement: “Observation provides issues to explore, not proof.”
Why do experimenters use a control (or comparison) group as well as an experimental group?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the survey method?
Why would a scientist conduct a cross-sectional study?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal studies?
Explain the following statement: “Cross-sequential research combines cross-sectional and longitudinal research.”
Why is it important for academic disciplines and professional societies to follow codes of ethics?
What is one additional question about development that should be answered?