What is the connection between senescence and serious disease?
How often and why do people lose significant brain function before age 65?
What are the visible changes in the skin between ages 25 and 65?
What are the visible changes in the hair between ages 25 and 65?
What are the visible changes in the body shape between ages 25 and 65?
How does aging affect nearsightedness and farsightedness?
Why are hearing losses expected to increase in the next generation?
How are men and women affected by the changes in sexual responsiveness with age?
When a couple is infertile, which sex is usually responsible?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of HRT for women? Are there any advantages/disadvantages for men?
What are the trends in cigarette smoking in North America?
How much alcohol should an adult drink and why?
What factors in the diet affect the rate of obesity?
What nonfood factors affect the rate of obesity?
What diseases and conditions are less likely in people who exercise every day?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using mortality as a measure of health?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using morbidity as a measure of health?
How do men and women compare in mortality and morbidity?
Why would a disabled person object to measuring DALYs?
What factors would increase a person’s QALYs?
Are economic or educational factors more important in the correlation between SES and illness?
Why are there no more diseases of affluence?