Many neuroscientists have searched for a genetic underpinning of g; how successful have they been?
What does cross-
What does longitudinal research on IQ scores throughout adulthood usually find?
In what ways are younger generations more intelligent than older ones, according to cross-
How do historical changes affect the results of longitudinal research?
How does cross-
What factors does K. Warner Schaie think have the most significant impact on adult intelligence?
Why would a person prefer to have greater crystallized intelligence than fluid intelligence?
Why would a person prefer to have greater fluid intelligence than crystallized intelligence?
If you want to convince your professors that you are smart, what might you do and what intelligence does that involve?
If you want to convince your neighbors to compost their food and yard waste, what might you do and what kind of intelligence does that involve?
What kinds of tests could measure creative intelligence?
In what situations is emotion-
In what situations is problem-
Why is religious coping more common in adulthood than in adolescence?
What might a person do to optimize ability in some area not discussed in the book, such as playing the flute, or growing tomatoes, or building a cabinet?
How might a person compensate for fading memory skills?
How does the saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” relate to what you have learned about adult cognition?
Think of an area of expertise that you have and most people do not. What mistakes do people who are not experts in your area tend to make?
How does automatic processing contribute to expertise?
Explain how intuition might help or diminish ability.
In what occupations would age be an asset, and why?
In what occupations would age be a liability, and why?