Describe the two basic needs of middle adulthood according to Erikson.
How might the midlife crisis reflect cohort rather than matu-
How would each of the Big Five personality traits influence an adult’s choice of jobs, mates, and neighborhoods?
Explain the concept of a social convoy.
What roles do friends play in a person’s life?
What are the differences between friends and consequential strangers?
What is the usual relationship between adult children and their parents? What factors might explain this relationship?
What usually happens to sibling relationships over the course of adulthood?
Why do people have fictive kin?
What needs do long-
How and why does marital happiness change from the time of the wedding through old age?
What evidence is there that political and cultural attitudes toward same-
What are the usual consequences of divorce?
Many people who repartner are happy at first, but their happiness may not last. Why might this be the case?
What is the basic idea of generativity?
In what ways does parenthood satisfy an adult’s need to be generative?
What factors might make it difficult for foster children and foster parents to bond?
How might each of the Big Five personality traits make it easier or more difficult to develop positive relationships with stepchildren?
What advantages do adoptive parents have over foster parents or stepparents?
Women are more often kinkeepers and caregivers than are men. How is these roles both a blessing and a burden?
Why are middle-
What are some extrinsic and intrinsic rewards of work?
What are the advantages of greater ethnic diversity at work?
List four reasons why changing jobs is stressful.
What innovations in work scheduling have helped families? What innovations have hurt families?
Why might men and women be happier with current employment patterns than earlier ones?