How can a theory be practical?
What is the relationship between norms and facts?
How do theories differ from facts?
What is the basic idea of psychoanalytic theory?
What is Freud’s theory of childhood sexuality?
What body parts are connected to the oral, anal, and phallic stages?
In what two ways does Erikson’s theory differ from Freud’s?
What is the basic idea of behaviorism?
How does behaviorism oppose psychoanalytic theory?
How do classical and operant conditioning differ?
What reinforcers are emphasized by social learning theory?
What is the basic idea of cognitive theory?
How do Piaget’s stages compare to Freud’s stages?
What are assimilation and accommodation and how are they similar?
Why is information processing not a stage theory?
What are the underlying differences between the newer theories and the grand theories?
How is “apprenticeship in thinking” an example of sociocultural theory?
What do mentors do when mentees are in their zone of proximal development?
What did Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow stress in humanism?
How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs differ from Erikson’s stages?
How does evolutionary psychology explain human instincts?
Why are aspects of evolutionary theory of human emotions controversial?
What does the idea of selective adaptation imply about the nature—
What are the key criticism and key contribution of psychoanalytic theory?
What are the key criticism and key contribution of behaviorism?
What are the key criticism and key contribution of cognitive theory?
What are the key criticism and key contribution of sociocultural theory?
What are the key criticism and key contribution of universal theories?
What are the advantages of an eclectic perspective?