What are three major developments in the germinal period?
What body parts develop during the embryonic period?
What major milestone is reached about halfway through the fetal period?
What are three major reasons pregnancy continues months after the fetus could live outside the uterus?
How has the Apgar scale increased newborns’ survival rate?
Why has the rate of cesarean sections increased?
Why are developmentalists concerned that surgery is often part of birth?
Why is the newborn mortality rate much higher in some countries than in others?
What are the differences among a doula, a midwife, and a doctor?
What teratogens may harm the fetus’s developing body structure?
Why is it difficult to establish the impact of behavioral teratogens?
How does timing affect the risk of harm to the fetus?
Why does risk analysis fail to precisely predict damage to a fetus?
What factors increase or decrease the risk of spina bifida?
What are the potential consequences of drinking alcohol during pregnancy?
What are the differences among LBW, VLBW, and ELBW?
List four reasons a baby might be born LBW.
How have U.S. LBW rates changed in the past decade?
What is the long-
How do culture and customs affect one’s exposure to teratogens?
What do newborns do to aid their survival?
What impact do fathers have during and after birth?
How do fathers experience pregnancy?
What are the signs of postpartum depression?
What affects the parent–
What are the results of kangaroo care?