People might think that infants are passive creatures at first, unable to do much. But that is far from the truth: Developmentalists have traced the rapid development of every sense and skill.
Every sense functions at birth. Newborns have open eyes, sensitive ears, and responsive noses, tongues, and skin. Indeed, very young babies seem to use their senses to attend to everything without much judgment. For instance, in the first months of life, they smile at strangers and suck almost anything in their mouths.
Why are new infants not more discriminating? Because sensation precedes perception. Then perception leads to cognition. Thus, in order to learn, babies begin by responding to every sensation that might be significant.
sensation The response of a sensory system (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose) when it detects a stimulus.
Sensation occurs when a sensory system detects a stimulus, as when the inner ear reverberates with sound or the retina and pupil of the eye intercept light. Thus, sensations begin when an outer organ (eye, ear, nose, tongue, or skin) meets anything that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.
Genetic selection over more than 100,000 years affects all the senses. Humans cannot hear what mice hear, or see what bats see, or smell what puppies smell; humans do not need those sensory abilities. However, survival requires babies to respond to people, and newborns innately do so with every sense they have (Konner, 2010; Zeifman, 2013).
perception The mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation.
Perception occurs when the brain processes a sensation. This happens in the cortex, usually as the result of a message from one of the sensing organs, such as from the eye to the visual cortex. If a particular sensation occurs often, it connects with past experience, making a particular sight worth interpreting (M. E. Diamond, 2007).
Some sensations are beyond a baby’s comprehension at first. A newborn has no idea that the letters on a page might have significance, that Mother’s face should be distinguished from Father’s, or that the smells of roses and garlic have different connotations. Perceptions require experience.
Infants’ brains are especially attuned to their own repeated social experiences; that is where evidence of perception first appears. You already saw this with face recognition.
Thus, perception follows sensation, when sensory stimuli are interpreted in the brain. Then cognition follows perception, when people think about what they have perceived. (Later, cognition no longer depends on sensation: People imagine, fantasize, hypothesize.) The sequence from sensation to perception to cognition requires that an infant’s sense organs function. No wonder the parts of the cortex dedicated to hearing, seeing, and so on develop rapidly: That is the prerequisite for human intellect. Now some specifics.
The sense of hearing develops during the last trimester of pregnancy; fetuses hear sounds. At birth, familiar, rhythmic sounds such as a heartbeat are soothing: That is one reason kangaroo care reduces newborn stress (see Chapter 4). If a newborn is deaf (many states require testing at birth), early remediation—
In the early weeks, babies come to expect the familiar rhythms, segmentation, and cadence of the words they hear long before they understand their meaning (Minagawa-
By contrast, vision is immature at birth. Although in mid-
Almost immediately, experience combines with maturation of the visual cortex to improve the ability to see shapes and then notice details. Vision improves so rapidly that researchers are hard-
As perception builds, visual scanning improves. Thus, 3-
binocular vision The ability to focus the two eyes in a coordinated manner in order to see one image.
Because binocular vision (coordinating both eyes to see one image) is impossible in the womb (nothing is far enough away to need two eyes), many newborns seem to use their eyes independently, momentarily appearing wall-
This ability aids in the development of depth perception, which has been demonstrated in 3-
Especially for Nurses and Pediatricians The parents of a 6-
Response for Nurses and Pediatricians: Urge the parents to begin learning sign language and investigate the possibility of cochlear implants. Babbling has a biological basis and begins at a specified time, in deaf as well as hearing babies. If their infant can hear, sign language does no harm. If the child is deaf, however, noncommunication may be destructive.
As with vision and hearing, smell and taste function at birth and rapidly adapt to the social world. Infants learn to appreciate what their mothers eat, first through breast milk and then through smells and spoonfuls of the family dinner.
Some herbs and plants contain natural substances that are medicinal. The foods of a particular culture may aid survival: For example, bitter foods provide some defense against malaria, hot spices help preserve food and thus work against food poisoning, and so on (Krebs, 2009). Thus, for 1-
Adaptation also occurs for the sense of smell. When breast-
As babies learn to recognize each person’s scent, they prefer to sleep next to their caregivers, and they nuzzle into their caregivers chests—
The sense of touch is acute in infants. Wrapping, rubbing, massaging, and cradling are each soothing to many new babies. Even when their eyes are closed, some infants stop crying and visibly relax when held by their caregivers. The ability to be comforted by touch is one of the skills tested in the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS, described in Chapter 4).
Pain and temperature are not among the five senses, but they are often connected to touch. Some babies cry when being changed because sudden coldness on their skin is distressing. Some touches seem intrusive and distressful—
Scientists are not certain about infant pain. Some experiences that are painful to adults (circumcision, setting of a broken bone) are much less so to newborns. For many newborn medical procedures, from a pinprick to minor surgery, a taste of sugar right before the event is an anesthetic. An empirical study conducted with an experimental group and a control group found that newborns typically cry lustily when their heel is pricked (to get a blood sample, routine after birth) but not if they have had a drop of sucrose beforehand (Harrison et al., 2010).
Some people imagine that the fetus feels pain; others say that the sense of pain does not mature until months after birth. Many young infants cry inconsolably for 10 minutes or more; digestive pain is the usual explanation. Often infants fuss before their first tooth erupts: Teething is said to be painful. However, these explanations are unproven; infant crying may not indicate pain (nor does adult crying, necessarily).
Many physiological measures, including stress hormones, erratic heartbeats, and rapid brain waves, are studied to assess pain in preterm infants, who typically undergo many procedures that would be painful to an adult (Holsti et al., 2011). But infant brains are immature: We cannot assume that they do, or do not, feel pain.
motor skill The learned abilities to move some part of the body, in actions ranging from a large leap to a flicker of the eyelid. (The word motor here refers to movement of muscles.]
The most dramatic motor skill (any movement ability) is independent walking, which explains why I worried when Bethany did not take a step. All the motor skills, from the newborn’s head-
The first evidence of motor skills is in the reflexes, explained in Chapter 4. Although the definition of reflexes implies that they are automatic, their strength and duration vary from one baby to another. Most newborn reflexes disappear by 3 months, but some morph into more advanced motor skills.
Caregiving and culture matter. Reflexes become skills if they are practiced and encouraged. As you saw in the chapter’s beginning, the foundation for my fourth child’s walking was set by Mrs. Todd when Sarah was only a few months old. Similarly, some very young babies can swim—
Observation Quiz Which of these skills has the greatest variation in age of acquisition? Why?
Answer to Observation Quiz: Jumping up, with a three-
Age Norms (in Months) for Fine Gross Skills | ||
When 50% of All Babies Master the Skill | When 90% of All Babies Master the Skill | |
Sit unsupported | 6 | 7.5 |
Stands holding on | 7.4 | 9.4 |
Crawls (creeps) | 8 | 10 |
Stands not holding | 10.8 | 13.4 |
Walking well | 12.0 | 14.4 |
Walk Backward | 15 | 17 |
Run | 18 | 20 |
Jump up | 26 | 29 |
Note: As the text explains, age norms are affected by culture and cohort. The first five norms are based on babies in five continents [Brazil, Ghana, Norway, USA, Oman, and India]. WHO (World Health Organization], 2006. The next three are from a USA- |
gross motor skill Physical abilities involving large body movements, such as walking and jumping. (The word gross here means “big.”)
Deliberate actions that coordinate many parts of the body, producing large movements, are called gross motor skills. These skills emerge directly from reflexes and proceed in a cephalocaudal (head-
Sitting develops gradually; it is a matter of developing the muscles to steady the top half of the body. By 3 months, most babies can sit propped up in someone’s lap. By 6 months, they can usually sit unsupported.
Crawling is another example of the head-
Usually by 5 months, infants add their legs to this effort, inching forward (or backward) on their bellies. Exactly when this occurs depends partly on how much “tummy time” the infant has had, which is affected by culture (Zachry & Kitzmann, 2011).
Between 8 and 10 months after birth, most infants lift their midsections and crawl (or creep, as the British call it) on “all fours,” coordinating the movements of their hands and knees. Crawling depends on experience as well as maturation. Some normal babies never do it, especially if the floor is cold, hot, or rough, or if they have always lain on their backs (Pin et al., 2007). It is not true that babies must crawl to develop normally.
All babies find some way to move before they can walk (inching, bear-
As soon as they are able, babies walk, falling frequently but getting up undaunted and trying again, because walking is much quicker than crawling, and it has another advantage—
The dynamic system underlying every motor skill has three interacting elements. We illustrate those three here with walking.
This last item, practice, is powerfully affected by caregiving before the first independent step. Some adults spend hours helping infants walk (holding their hands or the back of their shirts) or providing walkers (dangerous if not supervised).
Once toddlers are able to walk by themselves, they practice obsessively, barefoot or not, at home or in stores, on sidewalks or streets, on lawns or in mud. They fall often, but that does not stop them—
fine motor skills Physical abilities involving small body movements, especially of the hands and fingers, such as drawing and picking up a coin. (The word fine here means “small.”)
Small body movements are called fine motor skills. The most valued fine motor skills are finger movements, enabling humans to write, draw, type, tie, and so on. Movements of the tongue, jaw, lips, and toes are fine movements, too.
Actually, mouth skills precede finger skills by many months (newborns can suck; chewing precedes drawing by a year or more). Since every culture encourages finger dexterity, children practice finger movements, and adults teach using spoons, or chopsticks, or markers. By contrast, skilled spitting or chewing is not praised; only other children admire blowing bubbles with gum.
Regarding hand skills, newborns have a strong reflexive grasp but lack control. During their first 2 months, babies excitedly stare and wave their arms at objects dangling within reach. By 3 months, they can usually touch such objects, but they cannot yet grab and hold on unless an object is placed in their hands, because of limited eye–
By 4 months, infants sometimes grab, but their timing is off: They close their hands too early or too late. Finally, by 6 months, with a concentrated, deliberate stare, most babies can reach, grab, and grasp almost any object that is of the right size. Some can even transfer an object from one hand to the other. Almost all can hold a bottle, shake a rattle, and yank a sister’s braids. Toward the end of the first year and throughout the second, finger skills improve as babies master the pincer movement (using thumb and forefinger to pick up tiny objects) and self-
As with gross motor skills, fine motor skills are shaped by culture and opportunity. For example, when given “sticky mittens” (with Velcro) that allow grabbing, infants master hand skills sooner than usual. Their perception advances as well (Libertus et al., 2010; Soska et al., 2010). As with the senses, each motor skill expands the baby’s cognitive awareness.
In the second year, grasping becomes more selective. Toddlers learn when not to pull at a sister’s braids, or Mommy’s earrings, or Daddy’s glasses.
Age Norms (in Months) for Fine Motor Skills | ||
When 50% of All Babies Master the Skill | When 90% of All Babies Master the Skill | |
Grasps rattle when placed in hand | 3 | 4 |
Reaches to hold an object | 4.5 | 6 |
Thumb and finger grasp | 8 | 10 |
Stacks two blocks | 15 | 21 |
Imitates vertical line | 30 | 39 |
Source: WHO (World Health Organization), 2006. |
Young human infants are, physiologically, an unusual combination of motor immaturity (they cannot walk for many months), sensory acuteness (all senses function at birth), and curiosity (Konner, 2010). What a contrast to kittens, for instance, who are born deaf, with eyes sealed shut, and who stay beside their mother although they can walk.
Human newborns listen and look from day 1, eager to practice every motor skill as soon as possible. An amusing example is rolling over. At about 3 months, infants can roll over from their stomachs to their backs, but not vice versa because their arms are no help when they are not on their stomachs. Once they can roll from stomach to back, many babies do so and then fuss, turtle-
The most important experiences are perceived with interacting senses and skills, in dynamic systems. Breast milk, for instance, is a mild sedative, so the newborn literally feels happier at Mother’s breast, connecting that pleasure with taste, touch, smell, and sight. But in order for all those joys to occur, the infant must actively suck at the nipple (an inborn motor skill, which becomes more efficient with practice). Because of brain immaturity, cross-
By 6 months babies have learned to coordinate senses and skills, expecting another person’s lip movements to synchronize with speech, for instance (Lewkowicz, 2010). For toddlers, crawling and walking are dynamic systems that allow exploration. Piaget named the first two years of cognition “sensorimotor” for good reason. The next chapter will describe some of the specifics. But first, there is one obvious prerequisite for all the growth already described—
All the senses function at birth, with hearing the most acute sense and vision the least developed. Every sense allows perception to develop and furthers social understanding. Caregivers are soon recognized by sight, touch, smell, and voice.
Gross motor skills follow a genetic timetable for maturation; they are also affected by practice and experience. Fine motor skills develop with time and experience, combining with the senses as part of dynamic systems. All the skills are practiced relentlessly as soon as possible, advancing learning and thinking.