What are the strengths of preoperational thought?
What is the difference between egocentrism in a child and selfishness in an adult?
How does guided participation increase a child’s zone of proximal development?
Why did Vygotsky think that talking to oneself is not a sign of illness but an aid to cognition?
What factors spur the development of theory of mind?
What is the evidence that early childhood is a sensitive time for learning language?
How does fast-
How does overregularization signify a cognitive advance?
What evidence in language learning shows the limitations of logic in early childhood?
What are the advantages of teaching a child two languages?
How can native language loss be avoided in children?
What do most preschools provide for children that most homes do not?
In child-
What makes the Reggio Emilia program different from most other preschool programs?
Why are Montessori schools still functioning, 100 years after the first such schools opened?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of teacher-
What are the goals of Head Start?
Why have various evaluations of Head Start reached different conclusions?
What are the long-